New Member
I have not been enrolled in a "place of higher learning" since I was about 20 years old. I have taken some time to look at the websites for CSM and SMCM last night and it's got me thinking about going back to school. I have a few questions:
1. Who attended a university, and who went to community college?
2. How do you rate our local colleges, either based on personal experience or general impression of them?
3. If I were to choose to go back to school, I would go for a degree in some sort of environmental discipline...Water conservation, forestry, or wetlands conservaton. I hear SMCM is a great school for these fields. What do you think? I definatly want to do something with science and/or plants and animals. Even Geology is a bit of a hobby of mine.
4. Am I totally insane for thinking that a single mother of two, with minimal work experience and barely any money can do something like this, to better myself and my situation? Mostly myself, I think it would thoroughly make me happy to go back to school. I have never been content unless I was learning something. I have thought about this forever, but have always feared going for it. I have thought I am too old, or I couldn't manage school and home and kids and work all at once. Or that I could never get enough money to pay for it.
5. So, is it a good idea?? I really want some thoughtful responses. TIA
1. Who attended a university, and who went to community college?
2. How do you rate our local colleges, either based on personal experience or general impression of them?
3. If I were to choose to go back to school, I would go for a degree in some sort of environmental discipline...Water conservation, forestry, or wetlands conservaton. I hear SMCM is a great school for these fields. What do you think? I definatly want to do something with science and/or plants and animals. Even Geology is a bit of a hobby of mine.
4. Am I totally insane for thinking that a single mother of two, with minimal work experience and barely any money can do something like this, to better myself and my situation? Mostly myself, I think it would thoroughly make me happy to go back to school. I have never been content unless I was learning something. I have thought about this forever, but have always feared going for it. I have thought I am too old, or I couldn't manage school and home and kids and work all at once. Or that I could never get enough money to pay for it.
5. So, is it a good idea?? I really want some thoughtful responses. TIA