Community Concerns

Where do you find volunteer opportunities?

  • Newspapers/ Radio/ TV/ other PR places

    Votes: 4 30.8%
  • Surfing the Internet

    Votes: 3 23.1%
  • The Library

    Votes: 1 7.7%
  • I dont have time or interest to volunteer

    Votes: 3 23.1%
  • Other

    Votes: 6 46.2%

  • Total voters


New Member
I work for Volunteer Southern Maryland in La Plata and we are currently trying to create some direct service programs in the tri-county area. However, before we go ahead and plan these events we felt that it was important to know what sorts of need there was in the community. What sorts of things are important to people here? What do they want to see improved? So, I was hoping that people would comment here and let me know what they think.



I volunteered at LPVRS for 11 years.

Here's something that you may not have tapped in the past.... It is a High School Graduation requirement that all students obtain 180 Student Service Learning Hours.

Basically, the kids get these by finding volunteer opportunities. trust me, that's not easy. Maybe your team should consider developing a web site that lists all of those opportunities complete with contact information etc.

There's a perspective volunteer force out there. If you guys are willing maybe you should take advantage. Not only do you get great volunteers but you change the mind sets of kids today. Teaching the importance of giving will lead to a better world.

As far as what the Tri-County area could use.....

Many of our elderly cannot drive - They need shopping, Dr's appts etc.

Young single mothers need training and support.

Extend Christmas in April on a smaller level... Have volunteers cut grass, clean up yards etc.

Identify needy Kids - get em' school supplies

I understand that a new MADD chapter is starting in St. Mary's County. Maybe the best thing for you guys to do is to contact all of the new and existing org's and ask them what they need.

I have contact numbers for most of the Sexual Assualt and Youth organizations in the county. These guys always need help!

I don't know how willing you are to get down in the mud where the trouble is but prevention seems to be a leading trend.

Ton's of need out there. If you need more info or any help just PM me. Good Luck!


aka Mrs. Giant
All of the volunteer activities are causes that I believe in or have participated in some way with in the past. So I voted "Other" because I searched out these volunteer opportunities instead of getting a flyer or email or something about them.


I work at Booz Allen Hamilton and last week we were made aware that of a need that I would not have thought of... picking up prescriptions for the elderly. Before someone can do this though, there is some sort of background check because some of the medications are narcotics.

If more information is needed, I can get it and pass it on or post it on here.

Short Thang

I remember hearing something a few weeks back; but havent heard it since; and was curious if anyone else had any info on this:
Supossedly they are asking people to take off a day of work on Sept. 11th and use the day to volunteer somewhere. Called it a day of pay or something.