commuter buses/car pools?


New Member
hello everyone. i'm new to this but i heard it was a good place to get info. i have lived in waldorf for a little over a year. i don't drive which is hard enough in this area since there is little public transportation but i enjoy my home enough to always find some way to get around that one. i've just changed jobs however which also means i now work night shift (11pm-7:30am) and my transportation issue is hugely messed up. i normally carpooled with a friend to the metro. does anyone know of any buses or carpooling services that offer a night/morning against traffic ride? the few busses that i came up with only do the rush hour trip. i also know of a cab company that costs $30 flat rate for a trip to the metro & frankly that is WAY over my budget. if nobody knows anything that's okay just thanks for letting me vent.