Just my opinion, I wouldn't own a Compaq unless somebody GAVE it to me. The look cheap, feel cheap and run cheap. The people I do know that have Compaq laptops ran into nothing but problems, and they were major problems. One man is a pastor, who was so mad he boxed it up and shipped it back to the company with a note saying this would make great target practice. As a matter of fact, I don't think I have ever seen him as mad as he was that day. After a few weeks, he got a new one in the mail. Then, they fixed his and returned that to him too. I don't think either one of them are working now!
I agree with Sleuth, Toshiba's laptops are nice. My husband owns one and is pretty happy with it. I'll give you the same advice I gave him. Make sure you know what you are buying, actually see one, touch it and feel it. The keyboards can be very different on a laptop. My husband needed a rugged keyboard with large keys on it. This is something you do not get to do when you buy something online. Plus, you get a feel of the casing as well as the opportunity to surf the laptop a little bit. Then, if you find one you like after seeing it, you can price shop online. We have laptops at work for the employee’s, but most of them don’t like the keyboard setup and therefore, refuse to use them.