Comptroller Comptroller Franchot's Statement About Proposal to Suspend Gas Tax

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PREMO Member
ANNAPOLIS (March 10, 2022) - Comptroller Peter Franchot issued the following statement this evening after Gov. Larry Hogan and General Assembly leadership agreed to fast-track legislation that would suspend the state gas tax for one month.

"I’m elated that less than three hours after I called on the Governor and the legislature to enact a gas tax holiday, they worked together at lightning speed to agree on a one-month holiday. This is how government should work: putting aside political differences to deliver immediate results for the people that we serve.

"I congratulate the Governor, the Senate President, and the Speaker for working in a bipartisan fashion to provide immediate relief for Marylanders.

"However, I think we can – and we must – do more. The unfortunate reality is the economic whiplash at the gas pump resulting from the Russian invasion of Ukraine will be felt by Marylanders for more than 30 days. What’s more, with a $7.5 billion revenue surplus, we’re in a strong financial position to not only be able to provide a three-month gas tax holiday for our residents, but also provide much-needed assistance to Marylanders and businesses who continue to struggle from the economic consequences of COVID. That’s why I continue to renew my call for $2,000 emergency survival checks for low-wage earners; $500 million for child care providers; and $500 million for small businesses."


Just sneakin' around....
Tax on gasoline is about 35 cents a gallon. Figure 20 gallons for an average car fill, that's about $7. For some people, that will help their weekly budget.

Prior to Biden, we were paying around $2/gal. Now it's $4.25, an increase per gallon of $2.25. If you want to go back a couple of weeks, we were paying around $3.20/gal, so a current increase of over $1 a gallon.

I'll take the 35 cents per gallon break, but it's chump change next to the increases.


Long Haired Country Boy
Ad Free Experience
With the tax break, I'll realize about a $5 savings per tank. I sure am glad I hung onto my TDI.