Computer Repair?

I put it off as long as I could, but finally installed the MS Service Pack 2 for XP on Sunday. Things were FINE, I rebooted about 50 times, even turned the computer off for a while and then used it again that evening, but last night when I went to turn it on, it just hung up. I powered down and when I turned it back on again, it gave me options on how continue with booting up the computer, such as "safe mode," "last known working configuration," "normal," etc...

Anyways, no matter what I choose, I always get a screen full of:


So, after talking to a few people in the office, I have a plan (trying to boot up using the original XP disk that came with the computer), but if I cannot get this to work, does anyone know of a reliable place to take a computer for repair in this area??? Or of an analyst type person I could hire to come take a look at it?

or if this is a familiar problem and anyone knows of a solution, I'd appreciate any information on helping it get fixed! I hate computers!!!



Routinely Derailed
I recommend Alliance Computers, on 235 in the same shopping center as Nicolletti's, Maryland Bank & Trust, and Blair's video - across Chancellor's run from the Sheetz station. They do good work and they're HONEST.
Thank you for your suggestions... =)

SoWhat, I didn't realize TQCI did repairs, I thought they were only an internet service provider! Thanks for the information! I will definately give them a call if I can't figure this thing out!!!! =)


I had some repairs done by TQCI and they did an excellent job!!! And the cost was very reasonable....... and they were done quick also... they even put a virus scan program on my computer for free!!!
Thanks everyone for your suggestions! I'll file them away for the future. Turns out, I'm *not* as dumb as I look (hee hee). WIth a co-worker's help, we were able to just reinstall XP and things are back to working!!!


Resident PIA
Railroad said:
I recommend Alliance Computers, on 235 in the same shopping center as Nicolletti's, Maryland Bank & Trust, and Blair's video - across Chancellor's run from the Sheetz station. They do good work and they're HONEST.
seconded. TQCI (next to Blairs Jewlery) isn't bad either. I prefer Alliance though