Congrats, Andy... Go get 'em!


New Member

I know I've got a rather large, uh, "fan club" here but... wow, this is an honor. :killingme


As president, I will restore the Constitution of the United States of America and I will bring change to Washington. No more will the American worker have to worry about if he will be able to afford food to eat or the gas to drive. No more will the American dad worry about his kids health or education. We will move forward to change America once more and make it prosper once again. Land of the free, home of the brave. Our veterans will never have to worry about their health. Our children will never have to worry about the sociological impacts on their future. Together, America, we can change America for the better by restoring the Constitution and putting partisan politics in the past. Vote for change, vote for me. :patriot:

This message has been approved by Andy Tardquis for President. :patriot:


New Member

I know I've got a rather large, uh, "fan club" here but... wow, this is an honor. :killingme


As president, I will restore the Constitution of the United States of America and I will bring change to Washington. No more will the American worker have to worry about if he will be able to afford food to eat or the gas to drive. No more will the American dad worry about his kids health or education. We will move forward to change America once more and make it prosper once again. Land of the free, home of the brave. Our veterans will never have to worry about their health. Our children will never have to worry about the sociological impacts on their future. Together, America, we can change America for the better by restoring the Constitution and putting partisan politics in the past. Vote for change, vote for me. :patriot:

This message has been approved by Andy Tardquis for President. :patriot:

Those are the same old promises every candidate makes Andy. You sound exactly like all the rest of them. Where's the change?