Congress extends tax cuts for years


Football addict
WASHINGTON — Congress overwhelmingly approved $146 billion in middle-class and business tax cuts Thursday night, handing President Bush a big victory 40 days before the election.
The bill passed the House 339-65 with only Democrats opposed. Within minutes, it whisked through the Senate 92-3; two Republicans voted no.
Bush is expected to sign the tax cuts into law within a few days. "This legislation will give families and small businesses added certainty and keep us on the path to greater prosperity," he said. "It brings us one step closer to making the tax relief permanent."
Sen. John Kerry, who opposed Bush's 2001 and 2003 tax cuts, did not vote. From the campaign trail, he voiced support this time but with reservations — a move that Senate Finance Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, labeled "another flip-flop."


Doesn't look like too many Dems opposed it. I guess Nancy Pilosi is doing her job very well.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
This is hysterically funny, if you think about it. The Democrats have been screaming their fool heads off about Bush's "tax cuts for the rich". Then the second it comes up for vote, what do they do?


And John Kerry, the most visible screamer, can't even be bothered to vote at all!
