Congress OKs Gun Industry Lawsuit Shield


9/11 - Never Forget!
This story is a good example of how a "news" organization can present a biased picture of a fairly straight-forward story.

This part:
Horrific images of people without the protection of public safety in New Orleans made a particular impression on viewers who had never before felt unsafe, according to the gun lobby.

"Americans saw a complete collapse of the government's ability to protect them," said Wayne LaPierre, the NRA's executive vice president.

"That burnt in, those pictures of people standing there defending their lives and defending their property and their family," he added, "where the one source of comfort was a firearm."

With support from four new Republicans this session of Congress, the bill passed the Senate for the first time in July. House passage never was in doubt because it had 257 co-sponsors, far more than the 218 needed to pass.
was buried over half-way down in the story after the first several paragraphs whined about the "gun lobby" and the NRA controlling those eeeevilll Republicans.

Now I guess the *&^%$&^ trial lawyers will have to take on some other industry.