Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee criticized for saying impeachment is not meant to be used for revenge


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Sheila Jackson Lee: 'Impeachment is not meant as a tool to be used for revenge'

Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee, D-Texas, was criticized after standing up for Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas on Tuesday, saying on social media that impeachment should not be used for revenge.

The House Homeland Security Committee met Tuesday to advance two articles of impeachment against Mayorkas, accusing him of refusing to follow immigration law and of breaching the public’s trust. A vote is expected to take place later in the day, and will likely fall on party lines, moving the articles to a House vote at a future date.

The irony of her statement is lost on her.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
When is she going to renounce and change her names for the overt embracement of the Confederacy and slavery? Hypocrite!


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
To be FAIR - I don't think that impeachment is the correct course of action to remove a Cabinet member who is not clearly guilty of Treason, Bribery or other High Crimes and Misdemeanours. It's my understanding that impeachment is intended to be a CRIMINAL procedure, not one of gross negligence and incompetence. He is doing an atrocious job - but calling it a crime is a stretch.

ADMITTEDLY - at least, in Trump's FIRST impeachment - he wasn't guilty of any of those, and labelling what he said as being an actual CRIME was stretching credulity - it's clear from the participatns involved and the testimony they gave - they had publicly declared (some of them) that they wanted to impeach him before he even took the oath of office. (Heck others, said they would do that before he got the NOMINATION).

For them it had NOTHING TO DO with committing a criminal act - they just wanted him OUT.

So yeah - REVENGE *was* their intent.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
To be FAIR - I don't think that impeachment is the correct course of action to remove a Cabinet member who is not clearly guilty of Treason, Bribery or other High Crimes and Misdemeanours. It's my understanding that impeachment is intended to be a CRIMINAL procedure, not one of gross negligence and incompetence. He is doing an atrocious job - but calling it a crime is a stretch.
An unknown number of terrorist watch list contestants have infiltrated the country as a direct result of his opening the border.

Aiding an Enemy is a crime.


Well-Known Member
To be FAIR - I don't think that impeachment is the correct course of action to remove a Cabinet member who is not clearly guilty of Treason, Bribery or other High Crimes and Misdemeanours. It's my understanding that impeachment is intended to be a CRIMINAL procedure, not one of gross negligence and incompetence. He is doing an atrocious job - but calling it a crime is a stretch.

ADMITTEDLY - at least, in Trump's FIRST impeachment - he wasn't guilty of any of those, and labelling what he said as being an actual CRIME was stretching credulity - it's clear from the participatns involved and the testimony they gave - they had publicly declared (some of them) that they wanted to impeach him before he even took the oath of office. (Heck others, said they would do that before he got the NOMINATION).

For them it had NOTHING TO DO with committing a criminal act - they just wanted him OUT.

So yeah - REVENGE *was* their intent.
Well Sam what is your idea of how to get rid of a person who refuses to do their job.
Now we all know that the Democrats do not WANT this man to do his job, so as bad as he is he is doing what he is told to do, but how do we gt rid of him other than impeachment.

By the way in my mind what is going on is criminal.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
To be FAIR - I don't think that impeachment is the correct course of action to remove a Cabinet member who is not clearly guilty of Treason, Bribery or other High Crimes and Misdemeanours. It's my understanding that impeachment is intended to be a CRIMINAL procedure, not one of gross negligence and incompetence.
Impeachment is merely the process used to charge a Government official for wrongdoing. It isn't a criminal procedure, though committing a crime could be grounds to impeach. Specifically, as to Mayorkas, the wrongdoing is obviously perjury, which happens to be a crime. He took an oath when accepting his position and obviously he is not faithfully discharging the duties of his office. As such impeachment is an appropriate action.


Well-Known Member
Her district has 700 to 800 thousand residents , and only 258,000 voters. That's pretty bad.

This year she has a primary opponent. If the voters come out she may be gone.
Maybe that is why she ran for Mayor---------------------------------and lost.
This year she might be history.