Consaervative American Cardinal Kicked Off The Bus


New Member
It depends on whether the Church should follow the teachings and instructions of Jesus Christ or should they follow the instructions of men. The Pope seems to want to bring the Church back to a more humble standing without the luxuries and wealthy trappings that have been associated with the Catholic Church since it was part of the Roman Empire. I think the Pope is more worried about how do we save people and bring them to Christ than he is worried about whether the interpretations of some 1500-1800 year old councils of Church elders are still valid.

Do you know that in the early days of the Church when people would travel from one Christian enclave to another to teach God's Word that if they tried to get more money than what was needed to get to the next Christian enclave they would be chased out of town? I wonder what the early members of the Church would think when they see Cardinals and Bishops living like Kings of the Middle Ages.

The scary thing is that probably this Pope will have the same unfortunate demise as Pope John Paul I. People do not give up political power easily, it is probably only a matter of time. :(


Well-Known Member
Considering you aren't catholic, why does it matter to you?

Why are you creating a thread simply to be divisive?

Why on a Sunday of all days would you choose to post such a passive aggressive attack on Christians?

Not a passive attack, no attack at all. Just posting the lead article that popped up on our newly installed computer and i-net service at church while I was making sure the song program had been installed and was ready to function properly. I found the article quite interesting and revealing that those who do not agree with the big boss, even though they are standing on biblical principle and teaching, get pushed away. The Protestant church has similar issues as well within certain denominations.


Well-Known Member
Do you not realize that you have a problem with the truth? I'm serious by the way. Intellectual dishonesty is lying.

What part of the article or my post was dishonest, or that you cannot intellectually understand, onel?


Well-Known Member
Not a passive attack, no attack at all. Just posting the lead article that popped up on our newly installed computer and i-net service at church while I was making sure the song program had been installed and was ready to function properly. I found the article quite interesting and revealing that those who do not agree with the big boss, even though they are standing on biblical principle and teaching, get pushed away. The Protestant church has similar issues as well within certain denominations.

yep, it is most certainly a passive aggressive attack.

If that is the case why dont you post threads about the issues you have in your denomination. In fact why dont you just tell us all what your chosen denomination is so that we can? I am sure you would be fine with that...


Soul Probe


Well-Known Member
This amuses me because Cardinal Burke would likely sooner have you burn in hell for being Protestant, but yet you espouse him at the expense of Pope Francis. Conservative and liberal don't necessarily equate with biblical or non-biblical -- that's a construct in your own mind.

No, not at all. It's not liberal vs conservative - that's your construct - it's following the scripture for what it says as a whole, and not cherry picking which parts fit one's idea of how doctrine is established. And like I said, those differences are in other denominations as well.

Simply following the instruction manual is the best way. Anyone who calls them self a Christian had better be concerned about others that call them selves the same, and how they treat the document where the word came from. I would expect, and hope, that others do the same.


Soul Probe
No, not at all. It's not liberal vs conservative - that's your construct - it's following the scripture for what it says as a whole, and not cherry picking which parts fit one's idea of how doctrine is established. And like I said, those differences are in other denominations as well.

Simply following the instruction manual is the best way. Anyone who calls them self a Christian had better be concerned about others that call them selves the same, and how they treat the document where the word came from. I would expect, and hope, that others do the same.

Look again at the title of the article that you propagated, and then re-read what you wrote in your OP. You have equated conservatism with biblical doctrine. Again, that is a construct in your mind. :stillamused:


Well-Known Member
No, not at all. It's not liberal vs conservative - that's your construct - it's following the scripture for what it says as a whole, and not cherry picking which parts fit one's idea of how doctrine is established. And like I said, those differences are in other denominations as well.

Simply following the instruction manual is the best way. Anyone who calls them self a Christian had better be concerned about others that call them selves the same, and how they treat the document where the word came from. I would expect, and hope, that others do the same.

I'd like to do the same......
In fact why dont you just tell us all what your chosen denomination is so that we can? I am sure you would be fine with that...



Well-Known Member
I'd like to do the same......


I don't know how many times I've stated my Christianity as a non-denominational, evangelical, and you could say fundamentalist, blood bought Christian.

Now, are you a Christian, and if you are, I'd like to read your testimony explaining how you are one.


Well-Known Member
I don't know how many times I've stated my Christianity as a non-denominational, evangelical, and you could say fundamentalist, blood bought Christian.

Now, are you a Christian, and if you are, I'd like to read your testimony explaining how you are one.

I see, you just make up whatever BS you want and scream about how its the only right interpretation. That's awfully convenient for someone who goes about criticizing others and their beliefs.
It has been my experience that the 'nondenominational' denominations are filled with as much if not more dogma than any others.

My path is none of your business and isn't up for criticism.


Well-Known Member
I see, you just make up whatever BS you want and scream about how its the only right interpretation. That's awfully convenient for someone who goes about criticizing others and their beliefs.
It has been my experience that the 'nondenominational' denominations are filled with as much if not more dogma than any others.

My path is none of your business and isn't up for criticism.

"For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to everyone that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek." (Romans 1:16)

So I'll take your reply as a "no" to being a Christian. That's your right. There's plenty of dogma to go around for all, and plenty of liberty for the Christian to not be dogmatic on all issues, especially issues that are vague, or not supported either way in the Bible.
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Soul Probe
"For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to everyone that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek." (Romans 1:16)

So I'll take your reply as a "no" to being a Christian. That's your right. There's plenty of dogma to go around for all, and plenty of liberty for the Christian to not be dogmatic on all issues, especially issues that are vague, or not supported either way in the Bible.

He said, "My path is none of your business and isn't up for criticism." That doesn't mean he's not a Christian, it simply means he doesn't require your approval. In fact, none of us require your approval. :coffee:


Well-Known Member
He said, "My path is none of your business and isn't up for criticism." That doesn't mean he's not a Christian, it simply means he doesn't require your approval. In fact, none of us require your approval. :coffee:

Who cares? Mr challenged me, and I challenged Mr right back. What approval do you need between Mr and me? None? Yes. Is Mr a Christian? Simple to answer, right? Are you his keeper?


New Member
Don't have an argument on the Internet and not expect everyone else to jump in. I am not even sure if you are a Christian, you seem so eager to judge others instead of letting God judge them. I guess you pick and choose what instructions from Jesus you wish to follow and get angry when someone doesn't agree with you.


Well-Known Member
Don't have an argument on the Internet and not expect everyone else to jump in. I am not even sure if you are a Christian, you seem so eager to judge others instead of letting God judge them. I guess you pick and choose what instructions from Jesus you wish to follow and get angry when someone doesn't agree with you.

You got that right. He needs to look up those verses about specks, planks, and eyes....