Saw this bit in another nation's paper - I have substituted "liberal" for the nation.
<!--StartFragment -->"The problem with conservatism is that it advocates a role for government that is irrelevant to the desires and wishes of most people.
[Liberals], by and large, are a timid people. They demand of government not so much that it shall govern, but that it shall look after them. [Liberals] expect their government to provide health, education, pensions, physical security and so on, with no conscious involvement on their part. Provided it does this reasonably well or makes reassuring noises where it does not, the average [liberal] will forgive their government any amount of incompetence.
The continued dominance of the Liberals is based on an understanding that timid people will cling to a security blanket long after it has ceased to serve any useful function.
Conservatism, which I assume to be synonymous with a desire for smaller government, is founded on a philosophy of self-reliance. Some [liberals] are happy and eager to be self-reliant. Unfortunately, most are not, and these are the natural constituency of any political party advocating big government."
<!--StartFragment -->"The problem with conservatism is that it advocates a role for government that is irrelevant to the desires and wishes of most people.
[Liberals], by and large, are a timid people. They demand of government not so much that it shall govern, but that it shall look after them. [Liberals] expect their government to provide health, education, pensions, physical security and so on, with no conscious involvement on their part. Provided it does this reasonably well or makes reassuring noises where it does not, the average [liberal] will forgive their government any amount of incompetence.
The continued dominance of the Liberals is based on an understanding that timid people will cling to a security blanket long after it has ceased to serve any useful function.
Conservatism, which I assume to be synonymous with a desire for smaller government, is founded on a philosophy of self-reliance. Some [liberals] are happy and eager to be self-reliant. Unfortunately, most are not, and these are the natural constituency of any political party advocating big government."