Conservative Survival in the Romney Era


Ubi bene ibi patria
Conservative Survival in the Romney Era by Philip Klein (Kindle Edition)

"Mitt Romney has secured the 2012 Republican presidential nomination. But in a provocative new book, Washington Examiner senior editorial writer Philip Klein argues that this is no time for conservatives to reflexively fall in line behind him. Conservatives embraced a team mentality when Republicans last held power under President Bush and the size and scope of government exploded as a result. With an unsustainable welfare state propelling the nation toward an inevitable fiscal crisis, the United States cannot afford for this to happen again. It is one thing for conservatives to vote for Romney over the much worse President Obama, but it’s another thing to refrain from criticizing him when he does violence to conservative principles.

Klein delves into what makes Romney tick and explores how conservatives can take advantage of his infamous calculating nature to ensure that he governs from the right if elected. The book takes lessons from the conservative failures of the Bush years and details how subsequent developments, from the Tea Party to Twitter, can make a difference this time around.

Drawing on his experience as a leading conservative policy journalist, Klein also outlines a limited government agenda that conservatives should be striving for in a potential Romney administration.

Whether the “Romney era” lasts for just a few months or a long eight years, conservatism will only survive if those who believe in a limited role for government stay true to their values."