Conservative Voices on PBS May Be Illegal


Super Genius
From Drudge:
Two congressional Democrats called Wednesday for an investigation into recent activities by the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, suggesting that efforts by the Republican chairman of the private nonprofit to add more conservative programs onto PBS may violate federal law.

...but liberal voices on PBS are ok. :dork:

Edit: Woops, forgot linkage
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Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
2ndAmendment said:
PBS receives federal funding.
Approximately 15%. And they could exist without it.

Actually, with today's cable and myriads of channels, it hardly seems worth supporting at all anymore. It's outdated.


New Member
SamSpade said:
Approximately 15%. And they could exist without it.

Actually, with today's cable and myriads of channels, it hardly seems worth supporting at all anymore. It's outdated.

We can save some good money if we end federal funding of PBS and the NEA...good ideas if you ask me.

Or perhaps we should tell PBS that we will continue to fund them so long as they end those damn tele-thons...they are very disturbing.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
rraley said:
We can save some good money if we end federal funding of PBS and the NEA...good ideas if you ask me.
I knew if I was patient you'd go back to saying smart things. :yay:


This Space for Rent
vraiblonde said:
I knew if I was patient you'd go back to saying smart things. :yay:

He is really Republican, he just doesn't know it yet. You can tell with the way he has begun to struggle and lash out as the liberal agenda is kicked out from under him (i.e. resentment).

The stages are denial (i.e. there is absolutely nothing wrong with our logic), resentment (i.e. its all those nasty Republicans fault? Why us?), bargaining (i.e. we should still be allowed to fillibuster just a few; I will let PBS and the NEA go), depression (i.e. Oh Gawd! The Easter Bunny, Santa Clause, and a useful Democrat platform all aren't real! I am so sad... /cry), and acceptance (i.e. My name is Rraley... and... I ... am... a ... recovering Democrat. I will vote Republican now).


New Member
Haha, it's a nice try there FromTexas...I think that I am just a more moderate Democrat than others so I have positions that fall on both aisles...most of them to the left however.

Bustem' Down

Give Peas a Chance
rraley said:
Haha, it's a nice try there FromTexas...I think that I am just a more moderate Democrat than others so I have positions that fall on both aisles...most of them to the left however.
Come on, now you know theres only right and and everything else is wrong. You can't be making up terms like "moderate"! :lmao:


New Member
Bustem' Down said:
Come on, now you know theres only right and and everything else is wrong. You can't be making up terms like "moderate"! :lmao:

Haha, I know...

On a more serious note, I would like for our nation to throw away those old, tired terms of conservative and liberal...too overgeneralized and all inclusive of too many ideas.

Bustem' Down

Give Peas a Chance
rraley said:
Haha, I know...

On a more serious note, I would like for our nation to throw away those old, tired terms of conservative and liberal...too overgeneralized and all inclusive of too many ideas.
Why don't you just take away our guns, McDonalds and SUV's too you facist bastard! :lmao:


Asperger's Poster Child,0,623558.story?coll=sns-ap-tv-headlines

According to the article above, the Democrats are claiming that the Republicans are using political pressure on PBS. My opinion is the same as with BRAC--show me some solid evidence of political tampering and I'll listen, otherwise don't waste my time.

I agree with RRaley that federal funding for PBS should be eliminated. Two reasons. First, PBS used to serve as an alternative to the networks, but cable is now the alternative. If Ken Burns were filming "Civil War" today, he could easily sell it to an outlet like the History Channel. PBS used to be the only place to see stuff like "Monty Python," but BBC got wise and started its own channel in America.

Two, eliminating federal funding would give both sides one less thing to complain about. Kind of like children who won't stop fighting over a toy and the parent getting fed up and taking the toy away from them. I think any government funding for artistic activities is going to stir up trouble, because what constitutes art is so subjective.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
This whole conversation is stupid. Bill Moyers, that darling of the Progressive set, lasted through Bush's whole first term and the only reason he's not there right now is because he retired, not because he was forced out.

He spewed his liberal garbage for YEARS and John Dingell (he of Dingell-Norwood fame), didn't say a word. Now that there is talk of having something other than Leftist tripe on our government-funded "news" channel, he's having a fit and talking like a fascist.


Asperger's Poster Child
FromTexas said:
What about the liberal voices on NPR?
:lol: If you think they're liberal, try listening (if you can stand it) to WPFW 89.3. That station's political programming makes NPR seem like Sean Hannity. The only real reason to listen to WPFW is for the jazz in the afternoons.