Converter Box Coupons


But wait, there's more...
Just got this via email and figured I'd share it in the event any of you have the old-school (analog) televisions.

TV Stations Convert To All Digital Broadcast Effective 02/19/09 - For all the years of television, station broadcast and TV receivers have had "analog" systems. However, in the past few years some TV stations have been broacasting in "digital" as well as "analog." Virtually all newer TV's now have "digital" turners and can receive both analog and digital broadcasts. The benefit to consumers is that digital broadcast will enable more "real-life" TV reception for those with newer high-definition, digital TV's.

However, effective February 19, 2009 all TV stations are required by the FCC to broadcast only in "digital." This means that anyone with an old TV (i.e. "analog") will no longer be able to receive any TV signals via rooftop or TV-mounted antenna without a digital converter, the cost of which will be ca. $50 to $70 each and will be available late February or early March 2008 from local merchants. Most cable and satellite signals will continue to be sent both "analog" and "digital" for the foreseeable future.

Government Assistance - Recogniziing the hardship this FCC-mandated change will have on some folks, up to two (2) $40 coupons per household are available at no cost to applicants on a first-come first-serve basis. These coupons can be obtained via or 888-388-2009. The coupons will have a life of 90-days from the date of issuance, so you get the coupons now and must use them to purchase one or two digital-to-analog converters in the 90-day period from late February to early March....or take a chance that the number of coupons will be exhausted by a later date.

Of course, another option is to purchase a new high-definition digital TV at prices beginning ca. $500+ with no assistance from the U.S. government.

Future Use Of Analog Broadcast - With all TV stations giving up their analog broadcast rights on 02/19/09, the FCC will sell the rights to analog broadcast bands to various businesses for numerous uses, thus bringing in big bucks to the U.S. government. Undoubtedly, this is the reason "Uncle Sam" is being so kind to those who will lose TV reception because of this change.