Converting In/Outdoor into Indoor


my war

so does it jet out when the door opens..... does it like inside better than out??? or what

make more of a cat friendly enviro.....

I already know she will whine and cry... She does like the outdoors and yes sometimes when I open the door she is right there to get out.


Supper's Ready
Taking an older indoor/outdoor cat and making it an indoor only..... thoughts?

This subject came up when I inquired here as a new cat owner. Indoor cat or indoor/outdoor cat. And as much as I see benefits to the cat in being an indoor only one, it's also fun to see ours enjoying being a cat - outdoors.

But ours isn't actually a cat, ours is really more of a badger (in french, we sometimes call him 'blaireau').




American Beauty
PREMO Member
This subject came up when I inquired here as a new cat owner. Indoor cat or indoor/outdoor cat. And as much as I see benefits to the cat in being an indoor only one, it's also fun to see ours enjoying being a cat - outdoors.

But ours isn't actually a cat, ours is really more of a badger (in french, we sometimes call him 'blaireau').

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He's so pretty!


American Beauty
PREMO Member
Friendly feller, he is (except to critters).

But I also like that he's an indoor/outdoor cat (at least outdoors some of the time)

My female is a killer. She tried to attack my ice cream cone tonight. :lol:

My male. He is a big old teddy bear. :lol:


Supper's Ready
My female is a killer. She tried to attack my ice cream cone tonight. :lol:

My male. He is a big old teddy bear. :lol:


What I think about as far as him being outside are the various encounters out there....foxes, skunks, etc. To me, that's the risk that goes along with letting him be a cat (no offense to indoor cat owners intended here, though).

And in addressing the subject of the thread, I think it would be fairly easy to wean him off of being outside. He wouldn't like it initially, of course. And we wouldn't like hearing him complain about it, either. He begs to go outside, and often. Maybe weaning would be best done by letting him go out only in the morning and afternoon, then when he comes back to eat - that's it for today.

