Methodically disorganized
Finally one judge drops the hammer... in So. Cal., no less. 
This case, and this judge, should be representative to all others nationwide.

Whoa! I have never heard of a sentence that lengthy. He would have deserved every minute of it, of course. Just reserve that cell for him, and let him stay there until he's gone to ashes... and then let it go a little more.Steve Fein, who prosecuted Everts and Schwartzmiller, added that Everts admitted molesting about 40 children, including his 3-month-old biological son. He asked for the maximum sentence of 1,175 years to life in prison.
"It's not right..."; it would be laughable if not so despicable. 152 years, 800 years... as long as they're removed from society it's a victory.“It's not right that Mr. Schwartzmiller gets 152 years in prison, and there's no question (Everts) is not the heavyweight in this case, and he gets 7 times the sentence,” Woodson said.
This case, and this judge, should be representative to all others nationwide.