Conway Twitty or George Jones


nothing unreal exists
Good one. Umm...

"He stopped loving her today" is one of my favorites.


"That's my Job" by Twitty is a great song as well.


Going with Conway Twitty, has more songs that I liked along the way.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Conway was always better looking. Plus, how can you not love a guy with the last name Twitty?


Well-Known Member


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Well-Known Member
Well he's definitely better looking than George Jones.

Conway recorded with Lo-retta, who's cool. George recorded with Tammy, who sux. Plus George was a drunk and a coke head.

Conway wins!

My grandma & great aunt were chased down the street by a knife wielding Tammy when they tried to go back into Jones trailer :lmao:

I know where I get my wild and crazy side from :biggrin:

I remember one family trip we took to King's Dominion when I was a young kid - maybe 10 years old. My mom was a big Conway Twitty fan (a trait I myself inherited), and he was going to be performing at their concert pavilion that day.

There I was, a young boy sitting with his mom (and maybe a brother or sister or two) among a sea of three or ten thousand adoring Conway Twitty fans. Out walks Conway - a 50-ish, somewhat chubby guy with this ridiculous hair do and wearing some snug fitting outfit. He starts singing and the crowd - mostly middle aged women - starts clapping hands, tapping feet, and singing along.

Then, it happened - a moment that is seared into my memory as only traumatic childhood experiences can be. He turns around to present his backside to the audience and - before I had time to wonder to myself, what the heck is he doing? - he starts shaking his not-so-small-now heinie like he's a nudie bar stripper teasing the dollar-wielding patrons. My immediate sensation was much the same as yours - ewww! That sensation was fleeting though, being quickly overwhelmed by a building tidal wave of middle-aged female swooning.

WTF wasn't an expression I was familiar with back then, but it succinctly captures the essence of the thought that ran through my head. It was like a nude Elvis Presley (the young version, not the 70's train wreck version) had been dropped in the lap of every single woman in the audience. They all went crazy. I dared not glance over to confirm my mom's reaction.

I think I might have been a little too young to appreciate concepts of sexuality then - or perhaps I was just becoming familiar with them. But, something inside me realized at that moment that sexiness wasn't necessarily all about physical traits - that attitude might somehow factor into the equation. At any rate, it was scary... or maybe funny... or maybe disturbing... or maybe humiliating... I don't really know what it was, but it was something.

The point being, I don't necessarily see it, especially in the middle-aged version of Conway, but a lot of women of a certain generation - and apparently even some of younger generations - found him quite sexy, or at the very least, swoon-worthy.


I'm 2 old 2 die young!
If you call my cell phone, you'll hear "Hello Darlin" as the ringback. I luved Conway back in the day! :smoochy:


Cleopatra Jones
In a fight - George
Looks back in the day - George (although I may not have tossed ol' Conway out of bed!)
Music - Conway by far but I do like George


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
PREMO Member
I remember one family trip we took to King's Dominion when I was a young kid - maybe 10 years old. My mom was a big Conway Twitty fan (a trait I myself inherited), and he was going to be performing at their concert pavilion that day.

There I was, a young boy sitting with his mom (and maybe a brother or sister or two) among a sea of three or ten thousand adoring Conway Twitty fans. Out walks Conway - a 50-ish, somewhat chubby guy with this ridiculous hair do and wearing some snug fitting outfit. He starts singing and the crowd - mostly middle aged women - starts clapping hands, tapping feet, and singing along.

Then, it happened - a moment that is seared into my memory as only traumatic childhood experiences can be. He turns around to present his backside to the audience and - before I had time to wonder to myself, what the heck is he doing? - he starts shaking his not-so-small-now heinie like he's a nudie bar stripper teasing the dollar-wielding patrons. My immediate sensation was much the same as yours - ewww! That sensation was fleeting though, being quickly overwhelmed by a building tidal wave of middle-aged female swooning.

WTF wasn't an expression I was familiar with back then, but it succinctly captures the essence of the thought that ran through my head. It was like a nude Elvis Presley (the young version, not the 70's train wreck version) had been dropped in the lap of every single woman in the audience. They all went crazy. I dared not glance over to confirm my mom's reaction.

I think I might have been a little too young to appreciate concepts of sexuality then - or perhaps I was just becoming familiar with them. But, something inside me realized at that moment that sexiness wasn't necessarily all about physical traits - that attitude might somehow factor into the equation. At any rate, it was scary... or maybe funny... or maybe disturbing... or maybe humiliating... I don't really know what it was, but it was something.

The point being, I don't necessarily see it, especially in the middle-aged version of Conway, but a lot of women of a certain generation - and apparently even some of younger generations - found him quite sexy, or at the very least, swoon-worthy.

:lmao: Love your expressive writings! :yay:

My parents had quite a few albums of both. If I had to choose, it would be Conway, for sure. Loved Loretta, too.

I remember my dad had an eclectic collection of music when I was growing up (so do I now) it ranged from C & W to Musicals, Jazz, earlier rock. Elvis, of course. Tons of Motown. Even some opera.
:lmao: Love your expressive writings! :yay:

My parents had quite a few albums of both. If I had to choose, it would be Conway, for sure. Loved Loretta, too.

I remember my dad had an eclectic collection of music when I was growing up (so do I now) it ranged from C & W to Musicals, Jazz, earlier rock. Elvis, of course. Tons of Motown. Even some opera.

My parents liked both as well, but probably Conway more so. I know that one of their two favorite songs was one of Conway's - and that song makes me smile to this day whenever I hear it.

I suspect I could sing the words (not well, mind you) to almost any song Conway ever recorded. I once made a CD collection of all of my favorite Conway songs (pulling them from various CDs and tapes), to have them all together. I filled 7 CDs (at 20-25 songs per CD) and still didn't have them all accounted for.