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Hey Krebs....

World Peace would be wonderful.... It'sjust that life has made me cynical.

However, My daughter won second place in the Anwar Sadat Essay, For World Peace Contest back in November.

She got to meet Kofi Annan and President Bush. It was an awesome day!

The truth is, we build weapons because we are afraid.

Here's a quick excerpt from the middle of Rachel's Essay. If you'd like to read the rest PM me..... :smile:

"So we agree, we want it! We want a world without violence, a world without separation. no black, no white, no brown, no yellow. A peaceful planet where life flourishes and grows!

We already know that in a world filled with weapons of mass destruction our very survival depends on it. "


Originally posted by Kain99
My daughter won second place in the Anwar Sadat Essay, For World Peace Contest back in November.

:yay: Congrats to Rachel!!:getdown: :party:

Larry Gude

Strung Out
And just imagine...

...the military budget protects the right of spending all the other money the government spends.

The "meter" for that would go about 8 times faster!

Add in the states expenditures and THAT meter would go twice as fast as the federal one, or 16 times faster than the "Pentometer"!



endangered species
I am always entertained by

the list of names of all the Secretary General's of the UN:

Kofi Annan ( If I had a teddy bear, I might name it Kofi)
Boutros Boutros-Ghali (David Letterman likes this one, too.)
Javier de Perez de Cuellar (must have good lineage.)
Kurt Waldheim (perfect ex-Nazi name)
U Thant ( A case where you can say "Hey U!" politely.)
Dag Hammarskjöld (would you mess with a guy with that name?)
Trygve Lie ( no clue how to say this one.)

Then again, I am easily entertained.


New Member
I would have to say that the most wasteful program under our federal government - something that Republicans and the conservatives will all say otherwise. We are spending so much damn money on pointless ancient technology while we cannot find Osama, millions of children are hungry, and millions other are without health insurance. Can someone explain to me why the military spends $400 for an ashtray on a submarine of destroyer? I don't get it.


Originally posted by demsformd
Can someone explain to me why the military spends $400 for an ashtray on a submarine of destroyer? I don't get it.

Here's a better question.... What do we think we are accomplishing by hating each other? Your a Democrat and I'll be honest, It makes my skin crawl to read your posts.... Why? I'm assuming from the little I know about you that my posts illiciit a similar response from you...

Is our goal World Peace??? Or Maybe something different, something much more selfish? :confused:


New Member
Our goal is world peace and I just think that spending money on old artificats will do nothing to help our cause. Maybe disarmament (which is unobtainable) would be better. I think that we should reach for things though and not just merely label them as impossible. I dunno, I'm just an idealistic old hippie from Berkley.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I'm just an idealistic old hippie from Berkley.
Yeah, we caught that. As a Democrat, you frown on high unemployment rates, right? How many people do you think are employed by the US military? Enlisted, GS and civilians? Now how many do you suppose are employed by DoD contractors? PS, every single last one of them have health care.


endangered species
Originally posted by vraiblonde
As a Democrat, you frown on high unemployment rates, right? How many people do you think are employed by the US military? Enlisted, GS and civilians? Now how many do you suppose are employed by DoD contractors? PS, every single last one of them have health care.

I like that! So it's NOT really about security. Being an aggressor nation is all about keeping employment up- helps the economy!

Hmmm. Uh oh. I thought we were trying to keep proliferation down. How can we expect other economies to improve if they aren't allowed to fight? Wait...

I think I have it. As long as they buy OUR weapons, it's all good!