Coolest thing ever!


Throwing the deuces
Just happened to look out my sliding glass door yesterday afternoon and saw this guy/gal sound asleep in a sunny spot in our backyard. 🦊


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Power with Control
Son and wife spotted one on the road in front of the house while I was away last week. Needless to say, the beagle was pretty excited :)


Mostly settled in...
Ad Free Experience
Have a couple that come by my side yard security camera from time to time, usually late at night or early in the morning.

Our groundhog was out in the backyard yesterday, grazing.


Throwing the deuces
Have a couple that come by my side yard security camera from time to time, usually late at night or early in the morning.

Our groundhog was out in the backyard yesterday, grazing.
We have a groundhog that lives underneath our shed in the backyard. He likes to torment the rabbits that venture back there to graze.


Well-Known Member
Oh - and my daughter and I kept seeing the same fox repeatedly right around dusk last summer in our yard. Not so much lately.


Power with Control

Daytime foxes not always rabid.

It’s not unusual for a fox to be seen out and about during the day. Foxes are afraid of people and will usually run away when they detect your presence, but they may visit your backyard or neighborhood. A fox cutting through your yard is probably just passing through on their way between hunting areas, and no action is necessary on your part. Usually, the best thing to do is leave foxes alone.


Honorary SMIB
I actually thought about that video when I saw the fox. I knew enough to not go outside for a while but when he got up and was heading back into the woods, he seemed ok but sure wasn't going to risk it.
I called one into the turkey decoys this past Spring. He popped out of the tree line and I imagine he figured there was an easy meal so he started to stalk the dekes. Didn't shoot him, my hunting buddy didn't even see him.


I bowl overhand
We don't see many foxes around here anymore.. Remmy, our lovable furry Foxhound seems to have scared them all off..

I always thought dogs were taught different barks for actions.. like a bark for pursuit, and a bark for having an animal treed.. etc.. Come to find out, it seems it's instinctual.. Remmy has a play bark, a don't mess with me or my humans bark, and a pursuit YIP, and a I got him up the tree.. Yip.. Colt is the stealthy one, he barks only when he needs something from us, otherwise he will run you down, chew on your leg, and not make a sound.. and he is FAST!!


Well-Known Member
I was still hunting one year sitting on the ground with my back against a tree and a red fox came from 50 yards away (very loud in the woods) and ran right over my legs. He apparently never knew I was there. It got my attention !