Cooley Broken Ankle


All Up In Your Grill
Yeah, no kidding. The only one on the team worth a sh1t

Not to mention he's basically the heart and soul of the team. :ohwell:

While I dislike the Redskins with a passion, I :heart: Chris Cooley. He's one of my favorite NFL players and the ONLY Redskin I'd even consider purchasing a jersey. He's cool and I love listening to him on Elliot in the Morning.
Not to mention he's basically the heart and soul of the team. :ohwell:

While I dislike the Redskins with a passion, I :heart: Chris Cooley. He's one of my favorite NFL players and the ONLY Redskin I'd even consider purchasing a jersey. He's cool and I love listening to him on Elliot in the Morning.

He may not be out for the whole season, it all depends on how his next evaluation goes. It does look like he will go on IR though.

I like listening to him as well on EITM and he seems like a cool guy. :yay:


Well-Known Member
Not to mention he's basically the heart and soul of the team. :ohwell:

While I dislike the Redskins with a passion, I :heart: Chris Cooley. He's one of my favorite NFL players and the ONLY Redskin I'd even consider purchasing a jersey. He's cool and I love listening to him on Elliot in the Morning.

I never purchased a jersey before, but did this year and Cooleys is the one I wear. :yahoo:


Football addict
Not out for the season, only 4-6 weeks.

However, I wouldn't bring him back personally. Let's have Fred put in some work.