Cooling Bet!


Well-Known Member
tomchamp said:
What do you mean?
Just making a little fun with the English about THEIR language.

skep·tic also scep·tic ( P ) Pronunciation Key (skptk)
One who instinctively or habitually doubts, questions, or disagrees with assertions or generally accepted conclusions.
One inclined to skepticism in religious matters.
often Skeptic An adherent of a school of skepticism.
Skeptic A member of an ancient Greek school of skepticism, especially that of Pyrrho of Elis (360?-272? B.C.).


Lovin' being Texican
Ken King said:
Tom Champ, I am :confused: too.

Willie, what are you talking about?

It's a question of which spelling is correct. Skeptic vs. Sceptic

Who was it that characterized the U.S. and Britain as two nations separated by a common language?