He was off duty, and it was in a parking lot. He should never have gotten out of his vehicle. Both of them should have been adults about it. For the life of me, I cannot imagine being so upset about what another driver did IN A PARKING LOT that would warrant pulling a gun and firing multiple times. If he felt threatened by her, he should have gotten back in his car and called for help.
You are making a lot of assumptions. First, there may be a reason he got out of his car. Second, you assume he had an opportunity to get back in his car and had a chance to call for help. Being off duty has nothing to do with it. If I am off duty, and I see someone hurting you, would you rather I call for help or help you then?
Your assuming he was upset. There are a lot of unanswered questions in the story. The press said it was a case of road rage. It only takes one person to be enraged.
I don't know if the cop was right or wrong. All that I am saying is I give him the benefit of doubt until the investigation is over! YOU hire us to protect and serve, and you expect us to meet a higher standard, well when the stuff hits the fan, I say don't be a Monday morning quarterback, wait till the facts come out!
If the guy is wrong, I say he should be burned beyond what a non-police citizen should be, because we give him the benefit of doubt!