Cops beating driver in front of IHOP


New Member
sunflower said:
Cops beating driver in ... 12-31-2006 10:33 AM Doesn't matter what was said, you don't combat words with physical violence. Get some anger management training for yourself

:cartwheel: Now I need anger management classes :lol:
Awww, our fat slutty asses can go together :huggy:


In My Opinion
If the girl was white, and If the cop was black


we white folks need to band together and demand that justice comes to this racist officer (it really does not matter if he was justified or not)
we need to burn cities, steal TVs, get a bleached Jessie Jackson to come and speak about the injustice in society.

This girl should be awarded millions of dollars to blow however she wants. after recieving the money, she needs to get on the radio and request that we all just try to get along with each other. Maybe she can come up with a new I have a dream speach that will carry us into the next 100 years of handouts for the picked on white people in our society.

hey, it worked for rodney.


New Member
Cops beating driver in ... 12-31-2006 01:21 PM Shut the f^ck up! If you have nothing of substance to add then stay out of it!
Temper, temper.


Rocky Mountain High!!
i don't usually post the reds i get but i got red for saying there were no BLACK troopers working mids last night....just to clarify since the anonymous ball-less red giver chose to remain anonymous rather than take credit for his slight of hand...

i LIVE with a trooper and know most of them. i also happen to know there weren't any black ones working mids last night. smartazz. put that in your pipe and smoke it.


In My Opinion
happyappygirl said:
i don't usually post the reds i get but i got red for saying there were no BLACK troopers working mids last night....just to clarify since the anonymous ball-less red giver chose to remain anonymous rather than take credit for his slight of hand...

i LIVE with a trooper and know most of them. i also happen to know there weren't any black ones working mids last night. smartazz. put that in your pipe and smoke it.

why would you want to ruin a perfectly good rant by posting facts?


New Member
Maybe the Tropper was on special assignment/secret squirrel stuff, or secondary work, we do that all the time so noone knows whos out on the streets working. yes I am a cop, I know these things first hand.


Rocky Mountain High!!
Christy said:
Well crap, that's good to know. :lol: I've never been arrested, and I don't know the etiquette, so I'd probably put my hands behind my back for the cuffing. :shrug:
it's really not a BAD thing if you like it :lol:
they make those cuffs fur lined too. just so you know. :gossip:


New Member
Richard Cranium said:
Several people in IHOP were gawking at a SUV pulled over. Of course, the cops give this girl a field sobriety test and she fails. She's standing on the sidewalk and obeying the officers commands. As she's putting her hands behind her back this black trooper jumps out of his car and nearly slams her to the ground.....from everyone else's body language it seems as though she did nothing to warrant this treatment....
Life rule #6: Don't believe anything you hear and only believe 1/2 what you see.


24/7 Single Dad
bad1032 said:
It dont always work that way.If you were on the streets instead of just knowing someone you would know these facts.
and if you were "on the streets" you wouldn't be posting on this forum


New Member
Mikeinsmd said:
Life rule #6: Don't believe anything you hear and only believe 1/2 what you see.

:yay: It's been proven time and time again, that we don't always see what we think we do. I'm always amazed at how quickly our minds fill in the blanks. And what makes it worse, is the conversation around us at the time.



New Member
Better late than never-

Officer Disciplined in IHOP Shooting

An Alexandria police officer who shot and killed a teenager last year will be disciplined, but not fired, police officials announced on Tuesday. Officer Carl Stowe was working as a security guard when he fired shots, killing 18-year-old Aaron Brown in a Duke Street IHOP parking lot on Feb. 25.

Police Chief David Baker is not commenting on the decision, but police spokesman Jamie Bartlett says Stowe faces major discipline-the maximum penalty short of being fired.

Police officials are not revealing the length of the suspension, but Bartlett says the suspension is more than three but less than 30 days off without pay. The shooting occurred after a group of teens left the restaurant allegedly after failing to pay their bill.

Stowe, a 13-year veteran of the force, fired at the teens' Jeep as it drove toward him. An internal police investigation found that Officer Stowe acted within department policy in his decision to use lethal force in self-defense, but found Stowe "unreasonably placed himself in a position that allowed the situation to elevate to a level of high risk" when he stepped in front of the Jeep.

* As a result of the incident, Alexandria Police changed their policy to prohibit officers from stepping in front of moving vehicles. Officers are also prohibited from firing at moving vehicles, except as a last resort.

The Brown family says they feel "somewhat vindicated" upon learning of Chief Baker's decision. "Aaron Brown would not have died if Officer Stowe had followed his police department's rules," the family announced in a statement through their attorney. "We are also pleased that Chief Baker has announced a new policy...we hope this prevents other needless deaths."

In June, the Alexandria Commonwealth attorney decided not to file criminal charges against Stowe.


Skiing in the clouds
bdh802 said:
There is another side to this story. Think about it. What cop would start beating on someone knowing there is a restaurant full of witnesses watching? Don't be too quick to take sides with this poor little drunken idiot. At 2 in the morning, who was the one out there drinking, driving, etc?

I would say there was more going on than anyone could see from inside the restaurant. I once read an officer's quote "It's better to be tried by 12, than to be carried by 6." Maybe it looked like the officer was over-reacting a little, but maybe there was a reason.

:yay: :yay: :yay: :yay:


Skiing in the clouds
Richard Cranium said:
Several people in IHOP were gawking at a SUV pulled over. Of course, the cops give this girl a field sobriety test and she fails. She's standing on the sidewalk and obeying the officers commands. As she's putting her hands behind her back this black trooper jumps out of his car and nearly slams her to the ground.....from everyone else's body language it seems as though she did nothing to warrant this treatment....



New Member
Richard Cranium said:
Several people in IHOP were gawking at a SUV pulled over. Of course, the cops give this girl a field sobriety test and she fails. She's standing on the sidewalk and obeying the officers commands. As she's putting her hands behind her back this black trooper jumps out of his car and nearly slams her to the ground.....from everyone else's body language it seems as though she did nothing to warrant this treatment....

If he is saying he saw this girl slammed to the ground...he is a liar. I was there and the girl never was slammed to the ground! The only time hands were put on the girl was when she was placed in handcuffs.

She was never on the ground...You are a liar!