ceo_pte said:
My understanding! Stem cells are the basic cells that make-up the human body. They can use them for research and possibly implimentation into other people to help cure diseases that are genetic based. Because they come from the placenta they are pure and free of all the junk and problems that we develop over time. This may be right or totally wrong. But supposedly you can bank them, based on the way technology is expanding in this area, and use them 10 years from now to help if you identify some type of genetic problem with one of your children.
Why Cord Blood is the Premier Source of Stem Cells
Umbilical cord blood stem cells are controversy-free and offer several advantages over other types of stem cells.
While a baby’s own stem cells are a perfect match,there is up to a 75% probability that they may also provide a suitable match for siblings.While many people have heard of stem cells, very few understand that there are different types of stem cells:
Adult Stem Cells Adult stem cells are obtained from bone marrow and require invasive surgery. Also, finding a matching donor for a bone marrow transplant can be difficult and sometimes impossible.
Embryonic Stem Cells A highly controversial process that is often in the news and at the heart of many moral debates. Please do not confuse umbilical cord blood stem cells with this.
Umbilical Cord Blood Stem Cells Umbilical cord blood offers a perfectly natural, controversy-free method of acquiring stem cells. (Even the Pope approves of cord blood banking.) Cord blood offers several advantages over other methods. It’s collected in a safe, 5-minute procedure after a baby is born and is painless for both mother and baby. Also, cord blood transplants have a significantly lower rate of graft vs. host disease than bone marrow transplants. Plus, cord blood stem cells are a perfect match for the baby and can potentially be used to treat siblings and other family members as well.