Counting His Carrot Cakes


Common sense ain't common
As a horse racing fan, I just had to share this great story I found:

Rescued brother of Secretariat is alive and well at age 32

A few years ago an old horse, down on his luck and likely down to his last days, got the proverbial "phone call from the governor."
Horse enthusiast and racing writer Stephanie Diaz ponied up $200 to save the life of Straight Flush, a former racehorse and stallion who was long past any utilitarian horse-use. Down almost to hide and bones, Straight Flush stood stoically in a muddy Texas cattle feed lot, awaiting a final ride to a horsemeat slaughterhouse.
Instead, Diaz saw to it that the old horse was saved - retired to a California ranch where he could canter along his paddock fence, keep an eye out for the occasional carrot from a friend, and live out his days in sunshine.
That was in 1999, when Straight Flush was merely 24 years old. On Jan. 1 - the universal birthday for all thoroughbreds registered in North America - Straight Flush turned 32, making him one of the oldest horses you will ever meet. Alive and well, and just doing great.
Best of all: he's Secretariat's brother.

more of the story here...


Awwww, that gives me chills! How sad that he came to that state, awaiting a rider to the slaughter, but how wonderful for him to have a much deserved retirement. There IS some justice in this world. Bless that woman for saving him. Thanks for posting that.