Anne Arundel Co. County Executive Announces Applications for Region Plan Stakeholder Advisory Committees

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First round includes Region 2 (Fort Meade, Laurel, Jessup),

Region 4 (Broadneck, Arnold, Severna Park and Pasadena), and Region 7 (Annapolis Neck, Parole, Riva)

Annapolis, MD (June 22, 2021) Anne Arundel County Executive Steuart Pittman announced the launch of applications for individuals interested in serving on the first round of Region Plan Stakeholder Advisory Committees, part of the County’s Plan2040 General Development Plan.

“I promised that Plan2040 would transfer power to communities, but it takes willing volunteers to move us forward,” County Executive Steuart Pittman said. “Help create your Region Plan by serving on a Stakeholder Advisory Committee. Make Anne Arundel County ‘The Best Place For All.’”

The Stakeholder Advisory Committees (SAC) will play a key role in developing the Region Plans, meeting regularly to collaborate on goals and actions for the region and make recommendations on proposed zoning changes during the Comprehensive Zoning process. Each SAC will be made up of a diverse mix of the Region’s civic, business, environmental and other stakeholders, including residents of the planning area or those who own or manage a business within the planning area.

“Serving on the Stakeholder Advisory Committee is an honor and an intense commitment,” notes Steve Kaii-Ziegler, Planning and Zoning Officer, “but it provides a great opportunity for community members who know their area the best to work with other stakeholders and County staff to help shape the future of their region.”

The first round of Region Plans will address three areas of the County: Region 2 (Fort Meade, Laurel, Jessup), Region 4 (Broadneck, Arnold, Severna Park and Pasadena) and Region 7 (Annapolis Neck, Parole and Riva). Each plan is expected to take between 18 and 36 months to complete.

Individuals interested in serving on the SAC for one of these regions can visit the Office of Planning and Zoning’s Region Plan website ( to learn more. The site includes a short handbook with details on the Region Plan process and a SAC charter to outline the anticipated commitment.

The County Executive and County Council will work together to appoint and seat members of the committees. Applications are available at and will be accepted until midnight, July 18, 2021.

The start of the Region Planning process follows an intensive Countywide planning effort that culminated on May 3, 2021 with the County Council adoption of Plan2040, the update to the County’s General Development Plan.

Plan2040 outlined a regional planning process to provide more detailed guidance for development in different areas of the County and to provide more opportunity for residents to participate in planning for the future of their communities. The Region Plans and their recommendations will align with the goals and policies of Plan2040 and build on the Small Area Plans prepared in the late 1990s and early 2000s.
