County Signs On to Curb Alleged Police Abuses


New Member
The administration of the county, and county appointed police officials adhere to a possible problem, in an attempt to satisfy the demands of a pro-criminal populance in P.G. County. The media does what it has allways done, slant the truth to justify their means..........:cheers:


Well-Known Member
Jack Johnson is tracing your email address right now! I always wondered whose side he was on.


New Member
Originally posted by willie
Jack Johnson is tracing your email address right now! I always wondered whose side he was on.
Jack Johnson does not want any part of me, I almost had him in handcuffs before being called off by a supervisor........, and, it is not hard to know whose side one is on when they run on an anti-police platform, or know what kind of people you have in a county when they elect him..........:cheers: