Couple finds 60 bottles of 1920's bootleg whiskey in secret walls of NY home


PREMO Member
A couple in upstate New York made what they call a “wild discovery” when they uncovered what appears to be an old bootlegger’s supply hidden in the walls of their house. They also say that, upon further inspection, they’ve found hidden compartments with more bottles dating back to the 1920s stashed away.

Nick Drummond, who owns the house with his partner Patrick in Ames, N.Y., spoke with Fox News, confirming that so far, “it's about 60 bottles actually, and there are more compartments we have to open in the floor. I definitely think there is more to find! Maybe 30% of the bottles are full.”



Just sneakin' around....
There is a road near where I grew up on LI called Whiskey Road. The naming the road comes from a story, no idea how true it may be, that in order to get the road crew to finish a day's work, they would bury a case of whiskey in the path, and the crew would work until they found it.


Up. Identified. Lase. Fire. On the way.
Call Geraldo; this might be one of Al Capone's vaults....

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