JPC, Sr.

On Thursday I have to deliver my case Brief to the Court Of Special Appeals of Maryland in Annapolis and I will stay over with family till late Friday and will be back on Saturday morn if all goes well and some times it does not.

Then one of the clerks for the Circuit Court said that I refused to sign my own Petition for Judicial Review and so Judge Abrams dismissed the case without a hearing. So now I have appealed to the Court of Special Appeals of Maryland in Annapolis and I have been working on the case Brief for weeks now and finally finished and I am going to deliver it on Thursday 2.16.2006.
My argument now is that the Circuit Court for SMC is violating the U.S. 14th Amendment of "due process of law" and "equal protection of the law" and thus discriminating against me and others in our disability cases by failing to provide the Judicial Review. The oral arguments are not until the first week of June 2006 so the case has a long way to go yet but I think it will be great if it does conclude before the election on Sept. 12th and so 29B will here of the results.