Cowboys @ Giants


Supper's Ready
I picked the Cowboys with 8.5 points. Seems nearly all of the NFL network experts picked the Giants, but only to win (without the spread). As 'under' as the Cowboys seem to be, it's still a division rivalry game...the way I look at it.

Here's to a great game... :cheers:


Pitty Party
I picked the Cowboys with 8.5 points. Seems nearly all of the NFL network experts picked the Giants, but only to win (without the spread). As 'under' as the Cowboys seem to be, it's still a division rivalry game...the way I look at it.

Here's to a great game... :cheers:

I root for anyone that is playing the Cowboys. :dye: Go Giants!


Supper's Ready
They were just talking about forcing turnovers on the Giiants...Damn! TD Cowboys. :banghead:


Football addict
And, THAT hasn't happened in a number of years. Tough Times. :yahoo:

Who'da guessed a broken pinkie would wreak this much havoc on them?
They weren't ballin' even with Romo.

Their decline started with the Redskins decimating their secondary.


Football addict
Ha! At last, there's at least one thing I can thank them for! :howdy:
You should have thanked us last year too!

Your team was 0-2 and down by half-time and had a superb goal-line stand against the Skins for a signature turn-around win to jump-start their Super Bowl winning season. :exhale:

I wouldn't be worried about the Cowboys though, next week you have the Iggles. A lot of the Giants players have said they are more worried about the Iggles than any other team in the division. Should be a good game.:yay: