Cowboys Rx...

Larry Gude

Strung Out
...I almost found myself feeling sorry for the Cowboys and this endless stream of injuries.

It was pretty close, but, fortunately, I got me a beer instead.


It's fun rooting for the Eagles once in awhile.


My Sweetest Boy

We were at a Christmas open house today and they had the Ravens/Dolphins game on. I forgot that some Marylanders actually like the Ravens...I may have been a little overzealous in my rooting for the Dolphins. :lol:

A friend there, also a skins fan, described the Ravens as "a bunch of whiney thugs." :lmao:


New Member
Well what can I say, you all know I am a huge Boys fan but the offense just couldn't do it today. Not Romo, Not T.O., Not anyone. The Defense in my mind played extremely well. HOWEVER, the Eagles, Offense and Defense outplayed ours. We lost, we only scored 6 friggin' points, we will turn it around, I know that and so do you all. When it is all said and done, the Boys are still atop the NFC, we still have the road coming through D, and until the final whistle blows on the 30th, none of that can be changed. Well it can actually, but you know what I mean.


New Member
Well what can I say, you all know I am a huge Boys fan but the offense just couldn't do it today. Not Romo, Not T.O., Not anyone. The Defense in my mind played extremely well. HOWEVER, the Eagles, Offense and Defense outplayed ours. We lost, we only scored 6 friggin' points, we will turn it around, I know that and so do you all. When it is all said and done, the Boys are still atop the NFC, we still have the road coming through D, and until the final whistle blows on the 30th, none of that can be changed. Well it can actually, but you know what I mean.
Dallas better prepare for their next loss. They've gotta come to our backyard on the 30th. :evil:


New Member
The game was a disappointment.

Am I worried?


A loss was bound to happen. Those are the odds (unless you're the Patriots).

Hopefully the team will take it as a gutcheck and get their heads out of their asses...

It could get tight at the end. But, first round bye and first playoff game at home still is pretty damn good for me.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
The important...

The game was a disappointment.

Am I worried?


A loss was bound to happen. Those are the odds (unless you're the Patriots).

Hopefully the team will take it as a gutcheck and get their heads out of their asses...

It could get tight at the end. But, first round bye and first playoff game at home still is pretty damn good for me.

...thing is that you need to win and we need to win when you fine folks come crawling into town.
