Cowboys v. Giants...

Larry Gude

Strung Out pleasure defined because it doesn't matter who does what to who just as long as someone is suffering.

For instance, the joy of Plaxico burning the 'boys deep for six is only equaled by the hilarity of the ineptitude of the 'ant's not being able to convert a PAT.


It is, in fact, all good!


PREMO Member
Larry Gude said: pleasure defined because it doesn't matter who does what to who just as long as someone is suffering.

For instance, the joy of Plaxico burning the 'boys deep for six is only equaled by the hilarity of the ineptitude of the 'ant's not being able to convert a PAT.


It is, in fact, all good!
Don't worry, it's early.

From the East coast, to the West coast, this is are country.


Relax, it's fedex
I wasnt shocked to see the outcome. I was shocked to see how well Plaxico Buress played !