cows & illegal aliens

Isn't it absolutely amazing that the U.S. government can track a cow born in Canada almost three years ago, right to the stall where she sleeps in the state of Washington, and determine exactly what that cow ate. They can also track her calves right to their stalls, and tell you what kind of feed they ate.

But they are unable to locate 11 million illegal aliens wandering around in this country, including people who are trying to blow up nuclear power plants, bridges and other important structures.

Maybe the solution is to give every illegal alien a cow as soon as they enter the country.


Asperger's Poster Child
Re: cows & aliens

Originally posted by Kyle and Stan
Isn't it absolutely amazing that aliens would want to butcher cows and give Cartman a proctology exam?

Originally posted by Cartman
Why is everything about things either going into or coming out of my azz?


New Member
Well with cattle they notch the ear and staple a tag with registration info into the other. Horses get the info tattoo'd in there mouth.

Would it be a good idea to do it to aliens also for tracking?


Thank the ACLU, properly tracking people that illegally entered this country is an invasion of their privacy and tramples on their rights as illegal aliens.