CPFCU and Safari?


They call me ... Sarcasmo
Incompatible now? I tried entering CPFCU's site to pay some bills and got...

The page cannot be displayed

You have attempted to execute a CGI, ISAPI, or other executable program from a directory that does not allow programs to be executed.
Please try the following:

Contact the Web site administrator if you believe this directory should allow execute access.
HTTP Error 403.1 - Forbidden: Execute access is denied.
Internet Information Services (IIS)

Technical Information (for support personnel)

Go to Microsoft Product Support Services and perform a title search for the words HTTP and 403.
Open IIS Help, which is accessible in IIS Manager (inetmgr), and search for topics titled Configuring ISAPI Extensions, Configuring CGI Applications, Securing Your Site with Web Site Permissions, and About Custom Error Messages.
In the IIS Software Development Kit (SDK) or at the MSDN Online Library, search for topics titled Developing ISAPI Extensions, ISAPI and CGI, and Debugging ISAPI Extensions and Filters.

I started to fear the worst but tried using FireFox before I :cds:. FF worked fine, BUT I see that they have revamped the home page. Any other Safari users have this issue?
Site is up and working fine, however, lots of things not supported!!! If you run the 'browser support' (on the login page next to the username/password fields), I find that neither Win 7 or IE 8 are supported! FireFox is, but since I'm running Win 7, some things don't work. The only one that bugs me is that it won't remember the "register my computer" setting and I have to type all that stuff in each time.

Other than that, I really like some of the new features, like being able to transfer between accounts at a date in the future. You set up the transfer with a specific date, and on that day it happens.
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