I received a notice (voicemail) yesterday afternoon while visiting a friend stating that a temporary hold had been placed on my CPFCU debit card and to contact their Fraud Services Dept. I assumed it was a phishing call, so I decided to blow it off until the morning. Well, upon checking my CPFCU checking balance this morning before paying bills, I discovered that I had apparently made a purchase yesterday at Best Buy in Minnesota for $264.99. I wonder what neat little gadget I bought!
Thank the Lord that I chose to have my stimulus check deposited into my NFCU account and NOT CPFCU. This is the second time within a year that my CPFCU card has been compromised. They managed to wipe out almost all of last weeks paycheck with one purchase. Had I been successful in my attempt to have my stimulus deposited into that account, another purchase for $847.99 (the purchase that was flagged) might have cleared and they would have made off with the better part of my stimulus money.
I asked the agent how this happened and his response was that one of the many vendors that I patronize could've been compromised or that a card skimmer could've stolen my information. I will assume the former because I'm very cautious (read anal) about the fuel pumps and ATMs I use. I find it hard to believe that my CPFCU card has been hit twice and I've never had a problem with NFCU. So, he has blocked my card and I have to contact the fine folks at CPFCU and have the $264.99 charge that was approved, reversed, and wait for a new card to be issued/mailed. This is exactly how I wanted to spend my Monday morning, not.
CPFCU card holders may want to check your balances. Just sayin'...
Thank the Lord that I chose to have my stimulus check deposited into my NFCU account and NOT CPFCU. This is the second time within a year that my CPFCU card has been compromised. They managed to wipe out almost all of last weeks paycheck with one purchase. Had I been successful in my attempt to have my stimulus deposited into that account, another purchase for $847.99 (the purchase that was flagged) might have cleared and they would have made off with the better part of my stimulus money.
I asked the agent how this happened and his response was that one of the many vendors that I patronize could've been compromised or that a card skimmer could've stolen my information. I will assume the former because I'm very cautious (read anal) about the fuel pumps and ATMs I use. I find it hard to believe that my CPFCU card has been hit twice and I've never had a problem with NFCU. So, he has blocked my card and I have to contact the fine folks at CPFCU and have the $264.99 charge that was approved, reversed, and wait for a new card to be issued/mailed. This is exactly how I wanted to spend my Monday morning, not.
CPFCU card holders may want to check your balances. Just sayin'...