

endangered species
Lemme ask y'all something.

There's a lot of stuff out there that basically says the CIA is largely responsible for the crack epidemic in the eighties. It goes like this;

Since what Ollie North was doing was illegal, he had to hire contractors to run the arms to central america. There's a bunch of ex-spooks out there selling arms to the region anyway, so you get out the rolodex, voila.

Part 2; you can't pay too much since you want the money to go to the contras, so the pilots say, "hey, on the deadhead runs back to the USA, you don't wanna know what we're bringin' back, right?" No problemo. "And hey, if you can give us about a half hour at the airport before your other guys show up with the weapons to load, that would be cool." Que sera sera.

So, am I out on the fringe here, or is this considered conventional wisdom?


New Member
This is some sort of conspiracy theory, which means, it didn't happen. The only that I think would have merit would be the theory behind the Kennedy assassination.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Of course!

Now, you know, that Bill Clinton allowed the whole thing to go on, right? Mena Airport Scandal.htm

What do we do now? Do you realize that this could mean Bill and Ron and Ollie were ALL buddies? I mean if the logic follows.

I mean, the Governor of a state could no more be oblivious to what was going on in his own back yard than a President could be of what ever single person in the Federal government is doing, right?

So, Clinton is a key in the whole CIA drugging out the inner cities thing which clearly makes him...a racist!

Now what?


Chairman of the Board
Originally posted by MGKrebs

So, am I out on the fringe here, or is this considered conventional wisdom?

I do know that the CIA has been into drug trafficking in Asia at least as far back as WW2 (drugs - like heroin and opium - make for good currency). But I can't think of how a single drug deal or a short series of them would be culpable for an entire drug epidemic, especially when drugs were widely used in this country a lot earlier than that.