Crash JP Morgan Buy Silver – Growing Economic Guerrilla War to Crash Bank With Silver Bullets
Why do so many people want to crash J.P. Morgan-Chase Bank? Well, much of the angst stems from the office of JPM’s head of global commodities, Blythe Masters. She rose to power by pushing the creation of those nasty Credit Default Swaps. Remember them? Those CDS contracts that were used by banks like JPM and Goldman Sachs to make billions off of mortgage-back securities that were essentially worthless? They had a great deal to do with the economic Crash of 2008 and all of the misery that has since followed.
Who is behind this effort to crash J.P. Morgan-Chase? A whole lot of ‘little people’, as the head of BP would say. While not an official leader of the movement, my favorite financial guru, Max Keiser, is certainly among those advocating for this plan of assault. For years now, especially the past two, Max has been accusing the banking elite, such as JPM and Goldman Sachs, of ‘financial terrorism’. Indeed, the sudden collapse of Greece appears to be directly related to manipulation by Goldman Sachs. California, and other U.S. states, were largely enabled by banks like J.P. Morgan-Chase to run up massive deficits and become hostages, supported by the thinnest of financial threads.
Why use silver to crash J.P. Morgan? For years, JPM has been very active in manipulating commodities markets. Testimony by financial whistler-blower Andrew MacGuire points a finger directly at JPM for manipulating the silver market on the COMEX. The problem that JPM has is that they are vulnerable, as they have issued more contracts for silver futures than they have physical holdings. So, buy millions of ordinary people purchasing even small amounts of physical silver, which is in short supply, JPM will be unable to cover their positions.