Crazy Anglos @ Hula's Saturday

I was in there on Friday night and some hard rock band was playing. They were alright. Little much for me. I was with a 20 something crowd though. One of our friends has a spiked mohawk and he fit in just fine. It was my first time there in awhile.


High Octane
I was in there on Friday night and some hard rock band was playing. They were alright. Little much for me. I was with a 20 something crowd though. One of our friends has a spiked mohawk and he fit in just fine. It was my first time there in awhile.

Sorry, I wasnt there Friday and dont have a clue who was playing. Maybe someone who knows will chime in. The Speaks are playing this Friday, maybe you'll like them. Hmm...I know someone with a spiked mohawk but he was there saturday and sunday.
Wish I could make it but I won't be back in MD for a month or so. Is your Mohawked friends initials GW?
Thanks for the replies.