


If you do something nice for someone else, do you expect credit for the act? Or is it enough knowing that you helped another human being?


CageKicker Extraordinaire
I don't expect anything back; anything I recieve for doing a favor (beyond personal satisfaction) is a bonus.

There is a pretty good saying though: "You don't secure friendships by what other people do for you, you secure friendships by what you do for other people."

Why do you ask?


Originally posted by Kain99
If you do something nice for someone else, do you expect credit for the act? Or is it enough knowing that you helped another human being?

Well, I suppose that depends on what it is.

Typically, if I do something nice for someone, I like to hear a thank you from the person I helped, but I don't much care if anyone else knows or notices or acknowledges it.

An act of kindness done in hopes of accolades is less an act of kindness and more of a screech for attention.


I agree acknowledgement and praise are in order!

My family has never been tight because they are constantly keeping score. Today my sister and Grandmother are not speaking because my Sister painted my Grandmas shutters and Grandma will not lend her $500.00.

I think people suck! :frown:


CageKicker Extraordinaire
Originally posted by Kain99
I ask because I am amazed at the score keepers in my life. :frown:

Find new friends. They're are people out there that don't keep score. And I'll agree with Toxick on this one: if you/they expect something back, it was more of a business arangement than an act of kindness.

jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
Originally posted by Kain99
My family has never been tight because they are constantly keeping score. Today my sister and Grandmother are not speaking because my Sister painted my Grandmas shutters and Grandma will not lend her $500.00.

Your sister is not a scorekeeper. She is a user. :boo:


CageKicker Extraordinaire
Originally posted by Kain99
I agree acknowledgement and praise are in order!

My family has never been tight because they are constantly keeping score. Today my sister and Grandmother are not speaking because my Sister painted my Grandmas shutters and Grandma will not lend her $500.00.

I think people suck! :frown:

Didn't post fast enough:frown: (hence the friends comment). At any rate, why worry about their argument? If they want to act like children, let them. Their foolish fight doesn't concern you unless you let it. I come from a rather large family, so I worried about stuff like that happening, I'd never have time for anything else.


Originally posted by Chain729
Didn't post fast enough:frown: (hence the friends comment). At any rate, why worry about their argument? If they want to act like children, let them. Their foolish fight doesn't concern you unless you let it. I come from a rather large family, so I worried about stuff like that happening, I'd never have time for anything else.
I know that you are 100% right! I need to refuse to participate in the drama queen exchange.

Management... Please delete this thread! :biggrin:


I am so very blessed
Originally posted by Kain99

Today my sister and ........... (wants) $500.00.

Are we related? Your sister sounds exactly like my sister.

(I know that you're not talking about me. You must be talking about our sister "X")


Southern Beyotch
Never expect anything in return (not even a thank you). You're just setting yourself up for disappointment.


Go Braves!
I can't stand it when I do something and someone makes a big deal out of it. I do things because I want to and that's it. NOT for a big pat on the back or anything. I try not to let my MIL know the things I do cause she just goes on and on and on. Has to tell everybody and all the shiznit. Makes me so mad:mad:


33 yrs & we r still n luv
Originally posted by Chain729
I don't expect anything back; anything I recieve for doing a favor (beyond personal satisfaction) is a bonus.

There is a pretty good saying though: "You don't secure friendships by what other people do for you, you secure friendships by what you do for other people."

:yay: :yeahthat:


Originally posted by Kain99
If you do something nice for someone else, do you expect credit for the act? Or is it enough knowing that you helped another human being?

I think as long as I get a "thank you" I'm fine. And you should feel good about your self for doing something for someone else.


I bowl overhand
Depends .. if she's cute.. and I do ANYTHING for her.. then of COURSE I'd expect somethine in return.. :biggrin:


Originally posted by Kain99
If you do something nice for someone else, do you expect credit for the act? Or is it enough knowing that you helped another human being?

If nothing is ever returned then the niceness stops and turns into a back hand.

I can live with a 3:1 ratio of nice actions before I expect a return on my investment.
