What does - annoy - me is - like so many things in politics - if you're not FOR the assault weapons ban, you're an evil SOB who cares more about having guns you don't need than the safety of children in schools. It's described as just that - as - "we have THE singularly clear solution to this persistent problem - and these evil bastards are against it". Perhaps twirling their mustaches and giggling as they pull wings off flies.
And you can HAVE that opinion, but if you believe that kind of dreck, then I think you're the kind of half-wit they're counting on. You know, just like if you were against Obamacase, you couldn't wait to push Grandma off a cliff.
What I am - and what conservatives are usually FOR - is - what works? Do weapons bans stop the problem? And you may get served up a bunch of stats that are easily shown to be distorted. Example - weapons ban in different nations, including ours and results show lowered gun violence - ignoring a trend line showing it already had been decreasing, and the ban did not change the trajectory. Conservatives can just as easily - and it's oddly dismissed - is that cities with gun bans are frequently hotbeds of gun crime. MAKING A LAW BANNING GUNS in no way stops law-breakers from getting and using them. And you don't win any awards by refusing to lock up the ones that DO.
Banning guns to stop crime is a lot like giving all the kids detention for somethign ONE kid did. It's treating all the people for an injury or a disease that only one person HAS.
What you NEED TO DO - is find out what WORKS. I submit that gun bans - don't. That's an argument I'll entertain, but on the basis of that, the political expedient need to DO SOMETHING is why we have laws that only punish the innocent.
We have more guns in this country - than people. If GUNS were the problem, it'd be Armageddon out there. Oddly - the places where it IS Armageddon is where they're banned. Something isn't aligning.