Critical Race Theory Actions and Reactions


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'Whiteness' Is 'a Malignant, Parasitic-Like Condition' Creating 'Deformed Appetites,' Journal Warns

As Marxist critical race theory (CRT) continues its march through the institutions, the Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association published a paper warning about the “malignant, parasitic-like” condition of “Whiteness.” The article’s author, Donald Moss, M.D., argued that the condition of “Whiteness” is not the same thing as “whiteness” as a marker of racial identity, but his article arguably furthers the CRT demonization of the roots of Western society.

“Whiteness is a condition one first acquires and then one has—a malignant, parasitic-like condition to which ‘white’ people have a particular susceptibility. The condition is foundational, generating characteristic ways of being in one’s body, in one’s mind, and in one’s world. Parasitic Whiteness renders its hosts’ appetites voracious, insatiable, and perverse,” Moss, a New York City doctor and chair of the American Psychoanalytic Association’s Program Committee, wrote in the abstract of the paper entitled “On Having Whiteness.”

The “deformed appetites” of “Parasitic Whiteness” “particularly target nonwhite peoples. Once established, these appetites are nearly impossible to eliminate,” Moss warned in the abstract. “Effective treatment consists of a combination of psychic and social-historical interventions.”


Well-Known Member
Effective treatment consists of a combination of psychic and social-historical interventions.”

What? All of the things listed are positive traits. What are "psychic and social-historical interventions"? Re-education camps?


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New Research Article Says "Whiteness" Is A Parasitic Affliction That Must Be "Cured," CRT Is INSANE



PREMO Member
Research Article in Medical Journal Describes Whiteness as 'Malignant, Parasitic-Like Condition'

Aresearch article published last month in the Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association called whiteness "a malignant, parasitic-like condition." That description, along with other language in the article, has caused public anger, and the backlash against the author was evident on social media.

The article, titled On Having Whiteness, was written by Dr. Donald Moss, a white man who is a faculty member of both the New York Psychoanalytic Institute and the San Francisco Center for Psychoanalysis.

In the article, Moss wrote that "'white' people have a particular susceptibility" to the "parasitic" condition, which he claims "renders its hosts' appetites voracious, insatiable, and perverse." He explained he believed whiteness establishes "entitled dominion" that enables the "host" to have "power without limit, force without restriction, violence without mercy," and increases one's drive to "terrorize."

Moss has previously lectured on the subject of whiteness before On Having Whiteness was published in the bi-monthly, peer-reviewed Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association on May 27. In 2019, he delivered his theory describing whiteness as a parasitic condition as a plenary address for the South African Psychoanalytical Association, and he also lectured on it at the New York Psychoanalytic Society and Institute and at the Center for Modern Psychoanalytic Studies in New York.


Power with Control
"have become normalized over time" ? Ah, nope, these were always the norms of the people who actually were the ones driving the progress of this nation. But lots on that top chart are bullshit. "Wife subordinate to the husband"? Suuuure buddy.


PREMO Member
Think the embodiment of Gangsta Rap ... how BIPOC Treat each other

Chi-raq on a Saturday Night


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I'd like to see a similar chart for "Blackness" or "BIPOCness" or other culture's emphasis. They are posting this as if the above are bad things. So what are the alternate versions like?

I suppose that chart would consist of the opposites of the "whiteness" traits.


Just sneakin' around....
So, a hypothesis. Remove all whites from the equation, turn the entire country over to non-white.

How long would it be before the individual who is better educated and has a better work ethic takes a lead position within the culture? And would that person(s) tend to gain better economic advantages (ie gain wealth), and thereby gain status, power and authority? Where rational thinking yields a better society? And then competition inevitably occurs in a struggle for position? Where religion of some kind will take shape, and if you don't follow the single "god" concept, you are an outcast and denounced. Everything that is now being cited as a bad thing.

OR -

It could just degrade quickly to a barbaric, every person for themselves society with absolutely no organization at all, and all die because no one can lead without being killed.
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'Whiteness' Is 'a Malignant, Parasitic-Like Condition' Creating 'Deformed Appetites,' Journal Warns

As Marxist critical race theory (CRT) continues its march through the institutions, the Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association published a paper warning about the “malignant, parasitic-like” condition of “Whiteness.” The article’s author, Donald Moss, M.D., argued that the condition of “Whiteness” is not the same thing as “whiteness” as a marker of racial identity, but his article arguably furthers the CRT demonization of the roots of Western society.

“Whiteness is a condition one first acquires and then one has—a malignant, parasitic-like condition to which ‘white’ people have a particular susceptibility. The condition is foundational, generating characteristic ways of being in one’s body, in one’s mind, and in one’s world. Parasitic Whiteness renders its hosts’ appetites voracious, insatiable, and perverse,” Moss, a New York City doctor and chair of the American Psychoanalytic Association’s Program Committee, wrote in the abstract of the paper entitled “On Having Whiteness.”

The “deformed appetites” of “Parasitic Whiteness” “particularly target nonwhite peoples. Once established, these appetites are nearly impossible to eliminate,” Moss warned in the abstract. “Effective treatment consists of a combination of psychic and social-historical interventions.”
I wonder how Moss got through medical school.


PREMO Member
Black Mother Reveals Critical Race Theory's Hidden Anti-Black Racism

“I have personally heard teachers teaching CRT and we have had an assembly shut down because a Duval County Public School system consultant thought it would be a great idea to separate students by race,” she recalled.

“This is unacceptable,” the black mother declared, emphatically.

She went on to counter much of the leftist rhetoric that CRT advocates use to foist this nefarious ideology on children.

“CRT is not ‘racial sensitivity’ or simply teaching unfavorable American history or teaching Jim Crow history. CRT is deeper and more dangerous than that,” she explained. “CRT, in its outworking today, is a teaching that there is a hierarchy in society where white, male, heterosexual, able-bodied people are deemed the oppressor and anyone else outside of that status is oppressed. That’s why we see corporations like Coca-Cola asking their employees to be ‘less white,’ which is ridiculous.”

“Telling my child or any child that they are in a permanent oppressed status in America because they are black is racist and saying that white people are automatically above me, my children, or any child, is racist, as well,” King added. “This is not something that we can stand for in our country.”

She ended her remarks by celebrating America’s history of overcoming its sullied past on the issue.

“Our ancestors — white, black, and others — hung, bled, and died right alongside each other to push America towards that more perfect union,” King declared. “If this continues, we will look back and be responsible for the dismantling of the greatest country in the world by reverting to teaching hate and that race is a determining factor on where your destiny lies.”


PREMO Member
Black Father Explodes At Critical Race Theory During School Board Meeting

“When you talk about Critical Race Theory, which is pretty much gonna be teaching kids how to hate each other, how to dislike each other … it’s pretty much what it’s all going to come down to,” Ty Smith said. “You going to deliberately teach kids, this white kid right here got it better than you because he white? You going to purposely tell a white kid, ‘Oh, the black people are all down and suppressed.’ How do I have two medical degrees if I’m sitting here oppressed?”

“Two medical degrees. No mom, no dad in the house. Worked my way through college, sat there and hustled my butt off to get through college,” he continued. “You going to tell me somebody look like all y’all white folks kept me from doing it? Are you serious? Not one white person ever came to me and said, ‘Well son, you’re never gonna be able to get nowhere because, you know, the black people.'”

“Well, how did I get where I am right now if some white man kept me down?” he continued. “How am I now directing over folks that look just like you guys in this room right now? How? What kept me down? What oppressed me? I worked myself from off the streets to where I am right now, and you’re going to sit here and tell me this lie of Critical Race Theory? Of this, the reason why black folks can’t get ahead because of white folks? Are you kidding me? This is what we’ve come to? I can’t believe we even talking about this right now.”