
Peter Forsberg

New Member
Cindy Crosby is at it again. He is crying because he wants the NHL to watch the blind hits. Listen here Cindy this is hockey you are going to get hit. Ovie is taking cortizone shots to lace up his skates everynight. The new NHL is for little girls like you so suck it up and play hockey.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
If NHL rinks were Olympic size this would be less of a problem because better skaters would have more room to move.

Obviously, this ain't happening but, it was amazing to me the first time I actually bothered to figure out what it was I liked so much about international games.

Peter Forsberg

New Member
If NHL rinks were Olympic size this would be less of a problem because better skaters would have more room to move.

Obviously, this ain't happening but, it was amazing to me the first time I actually bothered to figure out what it was I liked so much about international games.
Well i'm old school and liked the hard hitting rough and tumble hockey. I agree the grabbing and clutching was getting to be to much but for Cindy to cry when he gets hit and hurt just rubs me the wrong way.


My Sweetest Boy

Nothing wrong with this's hockey. Steckel was going after the puck and Sidney was in lala land....


My Sweetest Boy

It didn't even look like Hedman was at full speed. I know sometimes there are cheap shots..questionable shots but I don't think either of these are in that category.

I think Crosby is an amazing player..but he's not really a "hockey" player. :lol:


My Sweetest Boy
This one was not so clean and should have been a penalty but it's hockey Cindy get up and play if you can't get off the ice and stop crying.

It definitely could have been a penalty, although I don't think it was was a collision...happens all the time.

wharf rat

Smilin on a cloudy day
It does happen all the time but nobody cries about it like Cindy does.

There was a time when star players were almost always shadowed by an enforcer type. You rarely, if ever, saw Gretzky on the ice with out McSorely ready to squash another player for even looking at him wrong. Even if there wasn't a true enforcer on the ice, somebody would usually step up and take a shot at the offender. That was true for most if not all teams. Maybe I missed something but I didn't see that happen with Cindy's fellow players.

He sure does cry a lot.
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Larry Gude

Strung Out
There was a time when star players were almost always shadowed by an enforcer type. You rarely, if ever, saw Gretsky on the ice with out McSorely ready to squash another player for even looking at him wrong. Even if there wasn't a true enforcer on the ice, somebody would usually step up and take a shot at the offender. That was true for most if not all teams. Maybe I missed something but I didn't see that happen with Cindy's fellow players.

He sure does cry a lot.

See, this is why I am not much for taking Crosby's side; Gretzky played in a much rougher era than right now and I don't recall him ever complaining.


This. ------------------>
See, this is why I am not much for taking Crosby's side; Gretzky played in a much rougher era than right now and I don't recall him ever complaining.


There's no need to "take Crosby's" side on this. What's this, Flyers and Caps fans whining about Sidney whining? Unheard of. :rolleyes: This is ironic, as these fanbases are the biggest crybabies in the league. (Not to take anything away from Montreal and Detroit fans.)

When Sidney answers questions from reporters, it's whining. When someone else does it, it's being accessible. When Sid barks at refs for calls/non-calls, it's whining, when someone else does it, it's "passion". Too hilarious.

You whiners (not speaking of Larry) obviously see so little hockey (outside your own team's games) you have absolutely no idea what goes on with other teams. And any Flyers fan who claims Sid "whines" more than Mike Richards has either never seen a Flyers game up close and in person, or is blatantly lying. :lol:

We get it. You hate Sidney Crosby. You hate how no matter how much you boo, or shout your 5-year-old "Crosby sucks" chant as he's lighting up your team, he continues to get better, year after year. And he absolutely OWNS the Flyers, especially in Philly, which really fills their diapers.

Hate away, haters! :lol: Sid's one of the best in the game and that's not going to change for a very long time.

By the way, I absolutely love how Sidney Crosby and The Penguins have taken up permanent residence in the brains of the Flyers and Caps fanbase, and especially the entire Caps organization. :lol:

As you were.

Oh, and Gretzky was very much so labeled a whiner in his time. I don't think he let that bother him too much, either.
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My Sweetest Boy
By the way, I absolutely love how Sidney Crosby and The Penguins have taken up permanent residence in the brains of the Flyers and Caps fanbase, and especially the entire Caps organization. :lol:

Funny...Caps and Flyers fans aren't the ones posting on this form incessantly about the "other" teams/players. :lmao:

Larry Gude

Strung Out

There's no need to "take Crosby's" side on this.

Just to be clear on where I am coming from; I LOVE watching Sid the Kid. He is a beautiful player. I am looking at it from a 'good of the game' perspective which is why I mentioned the Olympic rinks; they open up the game and emphasize skill over mugging.

I remember Gretzky complaining, some, when they could not get past the Islanders. Once they'd won a cup, he became a true leader of the game in every sense; you fight through the obstacles, you just keep going and going.



This. ------------------>
Funny...Caps and Flyers fans aren't the ones posting on this form incessantly about the "other" teams/players. :lmao:

If you do some research, you will find most all of my hockey-related posts will have a connection to the Penguins. When Pens play Flyers/Caps, common opponents, 24/7, etc.

I rarely post about either the Caps or Flyers if the Penguins or their players aren't somehow involved.


This. ------------------>
Just to be clear on where I am coming from; I LOVE watching Sid the Kid. He is a beautiful player. I am looking at it from a 'good of the game' perspective which is why I mentioned the Olympic rinks; they open up the game and emphasize skill over mugging.

I remember Gretzky complaining, some, when they could not get past the Islanders. Once they'd won a cup, he became a true leader of the game in every sense; you fight through the obstacles, you just keep going and going.


International/olympic rinks would be great for the NHL, but it will never happen. I think expanding the rink to that size takes out the first 2 or 3 rows of seats, and owners will never volunteer to lose that revenue.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
International/olympic rinks would be great for the NHL, but it will never happen. I think expanding the rink to that size takes out the first 2 or 3 rows of seats, and owners will never volunteer to lose that revenue.

I'd be curious. It used to be impossible because not even every NHL rink was regulation because of some of the old buildings.