CSM CSM’s 2019-20 Fine Arts Schedule Promises Variety of Theater, Artists’ Talks, Musicals, Dance Presentations and Literary Readings

The College of Southern Maryland (CSM) announces its 2019-20 fine arts program — a collection of presentations best described by the German Composer Felix Mendelssohn’s quote, “The essence of the beautiful is unity in variety.” And variety is just what CSM has in store.

The schedule of special events throughout the college’s fall and spring semesters includes dramatic, comedic and musical theater for adults and children, performances of Latin, barbershop, jazz and classical music, visual arts and dance and compelling literary lectures.

“We’re pleased to showcase our students’ artistic talents publicly to audiences and gallery patrons while providing an education to the next generation of performers, teachers and practitioners,” said CSM Arts, Humanities, Social Science and Education Chair Dr. Stephen Johnson.

This year’s schedule includes two notable concert series continuing from previous seasons. The Ward Virts Concert Series is presented at CSM’s Prince Frederick Campus, and the Benny C. Morgan Concert Series is presented at the Leonardtown Campus. Concerts in these series range in style from classical chamber music, piano solo and jazz combo.

“Fan favorites from past series will be returning — Tim Hudson on the trumpet, the Jim Holton Jazz Trio and the CSM Faculty Chamber Ensemble,” Johnson said.

Thanks to the Ward Virts Concert Series, CSM and the community are enjoying the fabulous Jones-Holton-Faulkner Jazz Trio today at the CSM Prince Frederick Campus. @CSMDArts #Happeningnow pic.twitter.com/3tN7fx84Y6

— CSM Headline News (@CSMHeadlines) November 11, 2018

Both of these series are presented for free to the college and community thanks to the financial support of generous donors and funding from the CSM Foundation, the Arts Council of Calvert County and the Maryland State Arts Council. For dates and musician bios related to the Ward Virts series, visit www.csmd.edu/community/the-arts/music/ward-virts-series/index . For information on artists participating in the Benny C. Morgan series, visit www.csmd.edu/community/the-arts/music/benny-c-morgan-series/index.

The college’s musical offerings also include an eclectic concert and recital schedule featuring CSM’s Choral Concert, Barbershop Concert, Jazz Ensemble Concert, Latin Ensemble Concert and Student Honors Recital. For information on CSM ensembles, visit www.csmd.edu/community/the-arts/music/.

End-of-semester dance presentations are performed by students in CSM’s dance.

The college’s theater season this year includes a play intended to include the younger audience, “Junie B. Jones, The Musical.” Based on the Barbara Park book series and adapted by award-winning songwriters Marcy Heisler and Zina Goldrich for Theatreworks USA, the presentation is designed to remind theater-goers of every age of the fun and challenges of a new school year. CSM’s theater presentations this season also include “three major works of the theater canon — August Strindberg’s ‘Miss Julie,’ Lillian Hellman’s ‘The Children’s Hour’ and William Shakespeare’s ‘Twelfth Night,’” Johnson said.

New this year, CSM will offer opportunities for theater audiences to attend after-show discussions with staff and students about the themes of the shows.

Dr and Mrs Gottfried
CSM is holding a student competition for the design and creation of a plaque to recognize donors CSM President Emeritus Brad Gottfried and Linda Gottfried and rename the Fine Arts Center on the La Plata Campus after them.

Also in theater news, the college is holding a student competition for the design and creation of a plaque to recognize donors CSM President Emeritus Brad Gottfried and Linda Gottfried and rename the theater in the Fine Arts Center on the La Plata Campus after them. Instead of a conventional naming plaque, the Gottfrieds, along with the CSM Foundation, are sponsoring a competition to find a student-created design that celebrates their gift to CSM while showcasing student talent. This competition will provide an emerging artist the opportunity to showcase their work and gain exposure. Participating designers must be enrolled at the college and submissions are due Jan. 15. See https://foundation.csmd.edu/news-ev...urce=mycsmd&utm_medium=slider&campaign=mycsmd.

The college’s arts season also celebrates the visual arts.

“Visitors to the college can expect another great season of exhibits in the Hungerford Gallery in addition to the college’s annual student juried show,” Johnson said. Art exhibits are presented for free from September through May at the Tony Hungerford Memorial Art Gallery on the La Plata Campus. These exhibitions include landscapes, photography, mixed media and student works. For dates and artist bios, visit www.csmd.edu/community/the-arts/visual-arts/hungerford-gallery/index.

In addition, CSM supports the arts as expressed through the written word. The CSM Connections Literary Series features readings by professional writers as well as fall and spring literary publications representing submissions in poems, short story, photography and art from students and the Southern Maryland region.

“I believe the writers we bring to CSM will inspire students and the community to begin a conversation about rediscovering and reclaiming our shared humanity, especially in these troubled times,” said Professor Neal Dwyer, organizer of the Connections series.

“Captivating,” by Photographer William “Ed” Moroney, is one of several compelling photographs that was included in CSM’s Spring “Connections” Literary Magazine.

Connections’ fall schedule includes Poet Jericho Brown, an American Book Award Winner. Brown’s work has been described as “an attempt to fight back against hate in its many guises.” Brown is an associate professor and the director of the Creative Writing Program at Emory University in Atlanta. Philip Metres, a poet, translator and scholar, is also on the schedule to give a reading of his work, which has been described as “beautiful, powerful, magnetically original.” Metres is a professor of English at John Carroll University in Cleveland and his poems have been translated into Arabic, Polish, Russian and Tamil.

The series’ spring schedule will kick off with award-winning playwright Jake Shore, whose newest play, “The Sun Hangs There,” will be performed in CSM’s Leonardtown Campus auditorium. The play explores the intellectualization of murder in higher education. In April, there will be two Connections readings. The first will feature writer Nguyễn Phan Quế Mai, author and translator of 17 books of fiction, poetry and non-fiction, many of which focus on the impact of war. The second will feature author Wayne Karlin, a Vietnam veteran, award-winning author of seven novels and CSM Professor Emeritus. Karlin will read from his latest work, “A Wolf by the Ear,” which explores the impact of the American slavery on several individuals.

In addition, the CSM Connections Literary Series gives students and the general public a chance to share their own poems, stories, artwork and photography of Southern Maryland in the Connections magazine. Publication readings take place in December and May each year. Submission deadline for the fall edition is Oct. 26. For submission guidelines, visit www.csmd.edu/community/connections-literary-series/connections-magazine/.

All featured writers and scheduled readings will be posted on the Connections web page at www.csmd.edu/connections. The Connections Literary Series is sponsored by CSM’s English, Communication, and Languages Division, and, in part, by the Arts Council of Calvert County, the Charles County Arts Alliance, the St. Mary’s County Arts Council and the Maryland State Arts Council.

For all schedules, updates and additional information about CSM’s 2019-20 arts season, visit www.csmd.edu/Arts.


Artist Wesley Clark’s pieces explore issues related to African Americans in America and the African Diaspora.

CSM Tony Hungerford Memorial Gallery Exhibit: Wesley Clark, “When Our Rivers Collide.” Sept. 3-Oct. 17. College of Southern Maryland, La Plata Campus, Fine Arts Center (FA Building), Tony Hungerford Memorial Art Gallery, 8730 Mitchell Road, La Plata. This exhibition features the work of artist Wesley Clark, who creates pieces that explore issues related to African Americans in America and the African Diaspora. Free. The gallery is open 9 a.m.-9 p.m. Monday through Friday, and 10 a.m.-6 p.m. Saturday. www.csmd.edu/community/the-arts/visual-arts/hungerford-gallery/index.

CSM Theater Auditions. 6-9 p.m., Sept. 6; 10 a.m.-1 p.m., Sept. 7. College of Southern Maryland, La Plata Campus, Fine Arts Center (FA Building), Brad and Linda Gottfried Theater, 8730 Mitchell Road, La Plata. Open auditions will be held for the College of Southern Maryland’s (CSM) fall play, “Junie B. Jones, The Musical,” a children’s musical to be presented in November. Participants are asked to prepare a one-minute comedic monologue and 16 bars of an upbeat song with music for the accompanist. Come dressed to move. We are looking for performers 15 years old and older. If necessary, call backs will be 6-9 p.m. on Sept. 9, Visit www.csmd.edu/community/the-arts/theater-dance/auditions/.

CSM Connections Literary Series Reading: Philip Metres. 7:30 p.m., Oct. 11. College of Southern Maryland, Leonardtown Campus, Building A, Auditorium, 22950 Hollywood Road, Leonardtown. Philip Metres, a poet, translator and scholar, will give a reading of his work, which has been described as “beautiful, powerful, magnetically original.” Metres is a professor of English at John Carroll University in Cleveland and his poems have been translated into Arabic, Polish, Russian and Tamil. A free roundtable discussion with the author will take place at 4 p.m. in Building C, Room 216. For the reading, $3 in advance; $5 at the event; or $3 with CSM student ID. For advance tickets, email connections@csmd.edu. 301-934-7828, www.csmd.edu/connections.

CSM Theater: “Miss Julie.” 8 p.m., Oct. 11, 12, 18, 19; 3 p.m., Oct. 13 and 20. College of Southern Maryland, La Plata Campus, Fine Arts Center (FA Building), Brad and Linda Gottfried Theater, 8730 Mitchell Road, La Plata. CSM will present the Swedish play “Miss Julie” by August Strindberg, which tells a story dealing with naturalism and class issues. Adult themes, may not be appropriate for children. $10 adults, $8 military/seniors/youth. boxoffice@csmd.edu, 301-934-7828 https://www.csmd.edu/community/the-arts/theater-dance/.

CSM Ward Virts Concert Series: Pianist Brian Ganz. 3 p.m., Oct. 13. College of Southern Maryland, Prince Frederick Campus, Building B, Multipurpose Room, 115 J.W. Williams Road, Prince Frederick. Pianist Brian Ganz will perform. Ganz is on the piano faculty of St. Mary’s College of Maryland, where he is artist-in-residence, and is a member of the piano faculty of the Peabody Conservatory. Free. www.csmd.edu/community/the-arts/music/ward-virts-series/index.

CSM Benny C. Morgan Concert Series: Tenor David Jones. 3 p.m., Oct. 19. College of Southern Maryland, Leonardtown Campus, Building A, Room 206, 22950 Hollywood Road, Leonardtown. Tenor David Jones will perform. Free. 301-934-7828, www.csmd.edu/community/the-arts/music/benny-c-morgan-series/index.

CSM Connections Literary Magazine Submission Deadline. Oct. 24. The College of Southern Maryland (CSM) Connections Literary Magazine is a regional literary journal published twice a year that features the very best poems, stories, artwork and photography of Southern Maryland. Also included in each issue is featured material from visiting writers. Publication readings take place in December and May each year. Submission deadline for the fall edition is Oct. 24. Students, faculty, staff and members of the community may participate. For submission guidelines, visit www.csmd.edu/community/connections-literary-series/connections-magazine/. Email submissions to Connections@csmd.edu.

CSM Southern Maryland Concert Band Concert. 8 p.m., Oct. 26. College of Southern Maryland, La Plata Campus, Fine Arts Center (FA Building), Brad and Linda Gottfried Theater, 8730 Mitchell Road, La Plata. The Southern Maryland Concert Band, under the direction of Michael Peerless, a community-based concert band comprised of amateur and professional community musicians and CSM students, will perform. $10 adults, $8 seniors/military with ID/youth of high school age and younger. boxoffice@csmd.edu, 301-934-7828, www.csmd.edu/community/the-arts/music/concert-band/index.

CSM Tony Hungerford Memorial Gallery Exhibit: Lisa Elmaleh, “the Lightness and the Dark.” Oct. 28-Dec. 12. College of Southern Maryland, La Plata Campus, Fine Arts Center (FA Building), Tony Hungerford Memorial Art Gallery, 8730 Mitchell Road, La Plata. This exhibition features the work of photographer Lisa Elmaleh, who documented her life living in the rural outskirts of Paw Paw, West Virginia, as she learned to live more deliberately. Free. The gallery is open 9 a.m.-9 p.m. Monday through Friday, and 10 a.m.-6 p.m. Saturday. www.csmd.edu/community/the-arts/visual-arts/hungerford-gallery/index.

CSM Connections Literary Series Reading: Poet Jericho Brown. 7:30 p.m., Nov. 1. College of Southern Maryland, Prince Frederick Campus, John E. Harms Academic Center (Building A), Room 119, 115 J.W. Williams Road, Prince Frederick. Poet Jericho Brown, an American Book Award Winner, will read from his work, which has been described as “an attempt to fight back against hate in its many guises.” Brown is an associate professor and the director of the Creative Writing Program at Emory University in Atlanta. A free roundtable discussion with the author will take place at 4 p.m. For the reading, $3 in advance; $5 at the event; or $3 with CSM student ID. For advance tickets, email $3 in advance; $5 at the event; or $3 with CSM student ID. For advance tickets, email connections@csmd.edu. 301-934-7828, www.csmd.edu/connections.

CSM Ward Virts Concert Series: Southern Maryland Chamber Players. 3 p.m., Nov. 10. College of Southern Maryland, Prince Frederick Campus, Building B, Multipurpose Room, 115 J.W. Williams Road, Prince Frederick. Free. www.csmd.edu/community/the-arts/music/ward-virts-series/index.

CSM Children’s Theater: “Junie B. Jones, The Musical,” 8 p.m., Nov. 15, 16, 22, 23; 3 p.m., Nov. 17, 24. College of Southern Maryland, La Plata Campus, Fine Arts Center (FA Building), Brad and Linda Gottfried Theater, 8730 Mitchell Road, La Plata. “Junie B. Jones, The Musical,” a comical adaptation of four of Barbara Park’s books, will be presented. $10 adults and seniors, $8 youth of high school age and younger. boxoffice@csmd.edu, 301-934-7828, www.csmd.edu/community/the-arts/theatre-and-dance/childrens–theatre/index.

The College of Southern Maryland (CSM) invites the public to enjoy the Jones-Holton-Faulkner Jazz Trio.

CSM Benny C. Morgan Concert Series: Holton Jazz Trio. 3 p.m., Nov. 16. College of Southern Maryland, Leonardtown Campus, Building A, Room 206, 22950 Hollywood Road, Leonardtown. The Holton Jazz Trio, featuring Jim Holton on piano, Tony “TNT” Jones on bass and Justin Faulkner on drums, will perform a variety of jazz tunes. Free. 301-934-7828, www.csmd.edu/community/the-arts/music/benny-c-morgan-series/index.

CSM Chorale and Barbershop Concert. 8 p.m., Dec. 5. College of Southern Maryland, La Plata Campus, Fine Arts Center (FA Building), Brad and Linda Gottfried Theater, 8730 Mitchell Road, La Plata. The CSM Chorale and Chamber Choir with the Southern Mix Barbershop Chorus will perform. $10 adults, $8 seniors/military with ID/youth of high school age and younger. boxoffice@csmd.edu, 301-934-7828, www.csmd.edu/community/the-arts/music/Chorale-and-Chamber-Choir/index.

CSM Student Honors Recital. 3 p.m., Dec. 6. College of Southern Maryland, La Plata Campus, Fine Arts Center (FA Building), Brad and Linda Gottfried Theater, 8730 Mitchell Road, La Plata. This recital features selected CSM music students. Free. www.csmd.edu/Arts.

CSM Connections Literary Series: Magazine Reading. 7:30 p.m., Dec. 6. College of Southern Maryland, La Plata Campus, Center for Business and Industry (BI Building), Dr. John M. Sine Conference Room (Room 103), 8730 Mitchell Road, La Plata. Contributors will read and discuss their works published in Connections, a regional literary journal published twice a year that features poems, stories, artwork and photography. Free. 301-934-7864. www.csmd.edu/connections.

CSM Dance Ensemble Winter Performance. 8 p.m. Dec. 13. College of Southern Maryland, La Plata Campus, Fine Arts Center (FA Building), Brad and Linda Gottfried Theater, 8730 Mitchell Road, La Plata. CSM dance ensemble to present its winter performance. $10 adults, $8 seniors/military with ID/youth of high school age and younger. boxoffice@csmd.edu, 301-934-7828, www.csmd.edu/community/the-arts/theatre-and-dance/dance/index.

CSM Latin Ensemble and Jazz Ensemble. 8 p.m., Dec. 14. College of Southern Maryland, La Plata Campus, Fine Arts Center (FA Building), Brad and Linda Gottfried Theater, 8730 Mitchell Road, La Plata. The CSM Latin Ensemble, Ritmo Caché, and the CSM Jazz Ensemble, Solid Brass, will perform. $10 adults, $8 seniors/military with ID/youth of high school age and younger. boxoffice@csmd.edu, 301-934-7828, www.csmd.edu/community/the-arts/music/latin-ensemble/index.

CSM Theater Auditions. 6-9 p.m., Jan. 24; 10 a.m.-1 p.m., Jan. 25. College of Southern Maryland, La Plata Campus, Fine Arts Center (FA Building), Brad and Linda Gottfried Theater, 8730 Mitchell Road, La Plata. Open auditions will be held for two upcoming CSM theater performances, Lillian Hellman’s “The Children’s Hour” (to be presented in March) and Shakespeare’s “Twelfth Night” (to be presented in April). Participants are asked to prepare a one-minute monologue. If interested in “Twelfth Night,” please prepare a Shakespearean monologue. If necessary, call backs will be 6-9 p.m. on Jan. 27, Visit www.csmd.edu/community/the-arts/theater-dance/auditions/.

CSM Ward Virts Concert Series: Takako Mato. 3 p.m., Feb. 9. College of Southern Maryland, Prince Frederick Campus, Building B, Multipurpose Room, 115 J.W. Williams Road, Prince Frederick. Clarinetist Takako Mato will perform. Free. www.csmd.edu/community/the-arts/music/ward-virts-series/index.

CSM Tony Hungerford Memorial Gallery Exhibit: Beverly Ress, “Sic Transit Gloria Mundi.” Feb. 10-March 19. College of Southern Maryland, La Plata Campus, Fine Arts Center (FA Building), Tony Hungerford Memorial Art Gallery, 8730 Mitchell Road, La Plata. This exhibition features the work of artist Beverly Ress, who draws found objects representationally using colored pencils. Free. The gallery is open 9 a.m.-9 p.m. Monday through Friday, and 10 a.m.-6 p.m. Saturday. www.csmd.edu/community/the-arts/visual-arts/hungerford-gallery/index.

CSM Benny C. Morgan Concert Series: Timothy Hudson, Trumpet. 3 p.m., Feb. 15. College of Southern Maryland, Leonardtown Campus, Building A, Room 206, 22950 Hollywood Road, Leonardtown. Timothy Hudson will perform on trumpet. Free. 301-934-7828, www.csmd.edu/community/the-arts/music/benny-c-morgan-series/index.

CSM Theater: “The Children’s Hour.” 8 p.m., March 6,7,13, 14; 3 p.m., March 8, 15. College of Southern Maryland, La Plata Campus, Fine Arts Center (FA Building), Brad and Linda Gottfried Theater, 8730 Mitchell Road, La Plata. CSM will present Lillian Hellman’s 1934 play “The Children’s Hour,” a serious and adult play about two women who run a school for girls and what happens when a malicious student starts a rumor. $10 adults, $8 military/seniors/youth. boxoffice@csmd.edu, 301-934-7828, https://www.csmd.edu/community/the-arts/theater-dance/

CSM Ward Virts Concert Series: CSM Chamber Musicians. 3 p.m., March 8. College of Southern Maryland, Prince Frederick Campus, Building B, Multipurpose Room, 115 J.W. Williams Road, Prince Frederick. The CSM Chamber Musicians will perform. Free. www.csmd.edu/community/the-arts/music/ward-virts-series/index.

CSM Connections Literary Series Reading: Playwright Jake Shore. 7:30 p.m., March 13. College of Southern Maryland, Leonardtown Campus, Building A, Auditorium, 22950 Hollywood Road, Leonardtown. Award-winning playwright Jake Shore will give a reading of his work. A free roundtable discussion with Shore will take place at 4 p.m. in Building C, Room 216. For the reading, $3 in advance; $5 at the event; or $3 with CSM student ID. For advance tickets, email connections@csmd.edu. 301-934-7828, www.csmd.edu/connections.

Violinist Ledah Finck

CSM Benny C. Morgan Concert Series: Violinist Ledah Finck. 3 p.m., March 14. College of Southern Maryland, Leonardtown Campus, Building A, Room 206, 22950 Hollywood Road, Leonardtown. Violinist Ledah Finck will perform. Free. 301-934-7878. www.csmd.edu/community/the-arts/music/benny-c-morgan-series/index.

CSM Connections Literary Magazine Submission Deadline. March 17. The College of Southern Maryland (CSM) Connections Literary Magazine is a regional literary journal published twice a year that features the very best poems, stories, artwork and photography of Southern Maryland. Also included in each issue is featured material from visiting writers. Publication readings take place in December and May each year. Submission deadline for the spring edition is March 17. Students, faculty, staff and members of the community may participate. For submission guidelines, visit www.csmd.edu/community/connections-literary-series/connections-magazine/. Email submissions to Connections@csmd.edu.

CSM 17th Annual Jazz Festival. 9 a.m.-3 p.m., April 2-3 (area public school jazz band clinics); 8 p.m., April 3-4 (festival concerts). College of Southern Maryland, La Plata Campus, Fine Arts Center (FA Building), Brad and Linda Gottfried Theater, 8730 Mitchell Road, La Plata. This annual festival starts with two days of a public school jazz band clinic featuring a guest artist (free admission) and concludes with two concerts, featuring performances by CSM’s Solid Brass Big Band Jazz Ensemble with a special guest artist. $10 adults, $8 seniors/military with ID/youth of high school age and younger. boxoffice@csmd.edu, 301-934-7828, www.csmd.edu/community/the-arts/music/Jazz-ensemble/index.

CSM Connections Literary Series: Author Nguyễn Phan Quế Mai. 7:30 p.m., April 3. College of Southern Maryland, La Plata Campus, Center for Business and Industry (BI Building), Dr. John M. Sine Conference Room (Room 103), 8730 Mitchell Road, La Plata. Nguyễn Phan Quế Mai, author and translator of 17 books of fiction, poetry and non-fiction, many of which focus on the impact of war, will give a reading of her work. A free roundtable discussion with the author will take place at 4 p.m. For the reading, $3 in advance; $5 at the event; or $3 with CSM student ID. For advance tickets, email connections@csmd.edu. 301-934-7828, www.csmd.edu/connections.

CSM Connections Literary Series: Author Wayne Karlin. 7:30 p.m., April 10. College of Southern Maryland, La Plata Campus, Center for Business and Industry (BI Building), Dr. John M. Sine Conference Room (Room 103), 8730 Mitchell Road, La Plata. Wayne Karlin, a Vietnam veteran, award-winning author of seven novels and CSM Professor Emeritus, will give a reading of his latest work, “A Wolf by the Ear,” which explores the impact of the American slavery on several individuals. A free roundtable discussion with the author will take place at 4 p.m. For the reading, $3 in advance; $5 at the event; or $3 with CSM student ID. For advance tickets, email connections@csmd.edu. 301-934-7828, www.csmd.edu/connections.
Juror's Prize
Owings resident Kelsey Crum won the Juror’s Prize in 2018 for this ceramic figure of a gray lion with a human face, titled “Sphinx.”

CSM Annual Juried Student Art Exhibition. April 13-May 6. College of Southern Maryland, Fine Arts Center (FA Building), Tony Hungerford Memorial Art Gallery, 8730 Mitchell Road, La Plata. Exhibition will feature CSM student art. In addition to the month-long exhibit, an award ceremony, which is open to the students, their families and the community, will be held 2:30 p.m. April 28. The gallery is open 9 a.m. to 9 p.m., Monday through Friday and 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., Saturday. www.csmd.edu/community/the-arts/visual-arts/hungerford-gallery/index.

CSM Theater: “Twelfth Night.” 8 p.m., April 17, 18, 24, 25; 3 p.m., April 19, 26. College of Southern Maryland, La Plata Campus, Fine Arts Center (FA Building), Brad and Linda Gottfried Theater, 8730 Mitchell Road, La Plata. CSM will present William Shakespeare’s play “Twelfth Night,” a comedy about disguises and a love triangle. $10 adults, $8 military/seniors/youth. boxoffice@csmd.edu, 301-934-7828, https://www.csmd.edu/community/the-arts/theater-dance/.

CSM Ward Virts Concert Series: Joshua Espinoza Trio. 3 p.m., April 19. College of Southern Maryland, Prince Frederick Campus, Building B, Multipurpose Room, 115 J.W. Williams Road, Prince Frederick. The Joshua Espinoza Trio — featuring Espinoza on keyboard, bassist Mikel Combs and drummer Jaron Lamar — will perform. Free. www.csmd.edu/community/the-arts/music/ward-virts-series/index.

CSM Annual Juried Student Art Exhibition Reception. 2:30 p.m., April 28. College of Southern Maryland, Fine Arts Center, Lobby, 8730 Mitchell Road, La Plata. An award ceremony honoring CSM art students is open to the students, their families and the community. The gallery is open 9 a.m.-9 p.m. Monday through Friday, and 10 a.m.-6 p.m. Saturday. Free. www.csmd.edu/community/the-arts/visual-arts/hungerford-gallery/index.

CSM Connections Literary Series: Magazine Reading. 7:30 p.m., May 1. College of Southern Maryland, Prince Frederick Campus, John E. Harms Academic Center (Building A), Room 119, 115 J.W. Williams Road, Prince Frederick. Contributors will read and discuss their works published in Connections, a regional literary journal published twice a year that features poems, stories, artwork and photography. Free. 301-934-7864. www.csmd.edu/connections.

CSM Student Honors Recital. 3 p.m., May 1. College of Southern Maryland, La Plata Campus, Fine Arts Center (FA Building), Brad and Linda Gottfried Theater, 8730 Mitchell Road, La Plata. This recital features selected CSM music students. Free. www.csmd.edu/Arts.

CSM Southern Maryland Concert Band Concert. 8 p.m., May 2. College of Southern Maryland, La Plata Campus, Fine Arts Center (FA Building), Brad and Linda Gottfried Theater, 8730 Mitchell Road, La Plata. The Southern Maryland Concert Band, under the direction of Michael Peerless, a community-based concert band comprised of amateur and professional community musicians and CSM students, will perform. $10 adults, $8 seniors/military with ID/youth of high school age and younger. boxoffice@csmd.edu, 301-934-7828, www.csmd.edu/community/the-arts/music/concert-band/index.

CSM Dance Ensemble Spring Performance. 8 p.m. May 8. College of Southern Maryland, La Plata Campus, Fine Arts Center (FA Building), Brad and Linda Gottfried Theater, 8730 Mitchell Road, La Plata. CSM dance ensemble to present its spring performance. $10 adults, $8 seniors/military with ID/youth of high school age and younger. boxoffice@csmd.edu, 301-934-7828, https://www.csmd.edu/community/the-arts/theater-dance/dance/.

CSM Pops Concert. 7 p.m., May 9. College of Southern Maryland, La Plata Campus, Fine Arts Center (FA Building), Brad and Linda Gottfried Theater, 8730 Mitchell Road, La Plata. The CSM Pops Concert will feature performances by the Southern Mix Barbershop Chorus, Ritmo Caché Latin Ensemble, CSM Chorale and Chamber Choir. $10 adults, $8 seniors/military with ID/youth of high school age and younger. www.csmd.edu/community/the-arts/music/Chorale-and-Chamber-Choir/index.

CSM Ward Virts Concert Series: David Constantine. 3 p.m., May 10. College of Southern Maryland, Prince Frederick Campus, Building B, Multipurpose Room, 115 J.W. Williams Road, Prince Frederick. Percussionist David Constantine will perform. Free. www.csmd.edu/community/the-arts/music/ward-virts-series/index.

CSM Barbershop Extravaganza. 4 p.m., May 16. College of Southern Maryland, La Plata Campus, Fine Arts Center (FA Building), Brad and Linda Gottfried Theater, 8730 Mitchell Road, La Plata. The CSM Barbershop Extravaganza features the Southern Mix, under the direction of Paul Douglass, a men’s barbershop chorus consisting of community members and CSM students. $10 adults, $8 seniors/military with ID/youth of high school age and younger. boxoffice@csmd.edu, 301-934-7828, www.csmd.edu/community/the-arts/music/barbershop-chorus/index.

Editor’s Note: The lowercase “t” in the art show title the Lightness and the Dark” is intentional.
