CSM CSM Helps Local Girl Scout Troop Earn Robotic Badges

College of Southern Maryland (CSM) Pre- Engineering Coordinator Jehnell Linkins took her show on the road Tuesday, April 2 to share her passion for Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) with Charles County Girl Scout Troop 12049.

Linkins met with the 13 Daisies, Brownies, Cadets and Juniors affiliated with Girl Scout Troop 12049 at the Grace Baptist Church in Bryans Road to teach the young girls that problem-solving can be fun and to help them earn their Robotic Badge.

“They all keep talking about it,” said Girl Scout Troop Leader Theresa Pickett. “A lot of these girls have never been exposed to STEM – especially the younger ones.” Pickett added that Linkins shared supplies and instructions for building a robotic hand and the troop will be working on building them in coming troop meetings. “The girls absolutely loved it,” she said.

Linkins said the robotic hand donations are provided through a grant funding the College of Southern Maryland Pre- Engineering Program.

“In addition to learning about the Engineering Program, we discussed the Kids & Teens College and the Engineer Like a Girl summer program,” said Linkins. “I may have had as much fun as the Girl Scouts did.”

With a focus on engaging, educating, and employing a future pipeline for a highly skilled and competitive workforce, CSM is a valuable resource for parents, students and employers. Partners, including the naval installations, the boards of education, colleges, career centers, private industry, civic organizations, and professional associations, have collaborated with CSM to coordinate efforts from grade school through college in order to ensure a highly skilled workforce that can be employed locally to lead our region into the future.

For information, contact Linkins at Jlinkins@csmd.edu. For more information about CSM’s STEM programs, visit http://stem.csmd.edu/.

[ This article originally appeared here ]