CSM Online Courses


New Member
I know there are a couple of people on here that go to CSM so I was hoping someone could help me out.

I noticed that they offered an online Environmental Science class with the lab. But I wasn't sure if the lab part was actually "online". I know with the online math class I am taking this fall you have to go to the school to take the tests but that's it. I wasn't sure if I would have to go to the school to do the lab part of the course. I tried to e-mail the instructor teaching the environmental class but got an undeliverable e-mail back. Has anyone taken this class or know anyone who has?

Appreciate your help :smile:


New Member
Heyyy yeah I took the environmental science class at CSM but I didn't take it online. I know it's the same teacher though. That's weird how the email was undeliverable, his email is TRuss@csmd.edu and it should work. Is that the one that you tried?? You could just call him at the college and leave a message on his voicemail. When I took the env. science class lab he basically told us that we didn't have to come to class and that we would just have to go to class when we had to turn in a lab that was due. Have you looked on your schedule online to see whether or not the lab class has a room number or not? If it doesn't have a room number, then you would just turn your labs in online. I wouldn't worry about though because when you take online classes you'll get something in the mail saying the names of your online classes and the password that you need in order to sign into your webct. FYI this class was one of the easiest classes I took at CSM including the lab. The labs that you do will be fun and Professor Russell is a really easy teacher to talk to. I know you prolly don't but if you need any help with the labs, I kept all the ones that I did, so just lemme know! :smile:


New Member
I had the online ENV 1300 and the lab with him online for the spring semester and it was a disaster. I did get A's on both but...... here were some of the problems with the class.

He never had the right sylabus available.....
He had different due dates on different parts of the website for the same assignments.
It was generally disorganized. The section summary with what were supposed to study for the test had the wrong information. Some people had their assignments dissapear after submitting them online.(make back up copies) Tests are open book online. However on one or two tests he did not leave enough time for finishing the tests without rushing. I breezed through the multiple choice section but I was not able to complete the last essay question. A lot of the class had the same problem on the test.

Yes, the lab is online. You'll do things like make field trips to parks and natural preserves and write about them, labs concerning electricity...how is your supply produced...how much do you pay.....how will it change your bills if you changed to compact fleurescents. You'll take soil samples from different places and classify the soil. Lab on water....lab on how your food being shipped affects the environment....etc.


New Member
Hi Everyone,

Just wanted to say that I am currently taking the MTH 1560 online and so far so good. The teacher is a little behind on updating or sending information that we need, but other than that the class is going fairly well. I have a couple of classes I am thinking about taking online the next couple of semesters and wanted to see if anyone has taken them and if they can let me know how it went.

ENG 2145 American Cinema/American Culture
ART 1030 Intro to Art Appreciation
AST 1010 Intro Astronomy
PSY 1010 Intro to Psychology
COM 1010 Basic Principles of Speech Communication

I think I'm going to go ahead and take the environmental class online. Trigger, I appreciate your input, hopefully it's a little better when I take it.

Thanks in advance for your help. :smile:


New Member
Blondie76 said:
ENG 2145 American Cinema/American Culture
ART 1030 Intro to Art Appreciation
AST 1010 Intro Astronomy
PSY 1010 Intro to Psychology
COM 1010 Basic Principles of Speech Communication


Just checking one more time to see if anyone has taken these classes before I sign up. TIA :smile:


yeah yeah
Blondie76 said:

Just checking one more time to see if anyone has taken these classes before I sign up. TIA :smile:

Psychology 1010 is super easy. If you get maloney- he requires that you just pay attention. That is all. His tests are things he discusses in class. He is really laid back and he is all about you applying yourself- and not forcing you to do anything. Basically his words "you paid for the class, its your money"

Also, jesse says that com 1010 is just alot of writing and essays. As long as you do it- you will be fine.


New Member
watercolor said:
Psychology 1010 is super easy. If you get maloney- he requires that you just pay attention. That is all. His tests are things he discusses in class. He is really laid back and he is all about you applying yourself- and not forcing you to do anything. Basically his words "you paid for the class, its your money"

Was this online? All the classes I listed I'm going to try and take online.


yeah yeah
Blondie76 said:
Was this online? All the classes I listed I'm going to try and take online.

Sorry- didnt realize you were taking it online. As Ehesef said- com 1010 online might not be so bad!


New Member
Pegster710 said:
:yeahthat: Me, too!

Only 9 more classes to go!

Straight A's so far... But no math yet... :dead:

I think I have taken 6 math classes since I started. I had to start at the lowest class b/c I wasn't that great at math in highschool. This is my last one (well at least for CSM, not sure how many I will have to take at UMUC.) I currently have an A in the class and a little over a month to go. :dance:


The Pegster
Blondie76 said:
I think I have taken 6 math classes since I started. I had to start at the lowest class b/c I wasn't that great at math in highschool. This is my last one (well at least for CSM, not sure how many I will have to take at UMUC.) I currently have an A in the class and a little over a month to go. :dance:

That's what I'm afraid of... I haven't taken either of the placement tests yet because I don't want to have to take the "remedial" college classes! I don't think I'll have any trouble passing the English test, but the math test is another story. The highest math I took in school was pre-algebra - and that was in eighth grade! And I'm 40!

I'm looking for a tutor to teach me the basics one on one so I can go directly into Math 1100. The only other math I need is business math, which is fairly simple...


The Pegster
Blondie76 said:
I think I have taken 6 math classes since I started. I had to start at the lowest class b/c I wasn't that great at math in highschool. This is my last one (well at least for CSM, not sure how many I will have to take at UMUC.) I currently have an A in the class and a little over a month to go. :dance:

Oh, and...

You GO, girl! Keep up the good work! :flowers: