CSM CSM Student Government Association Honors Students For Being Wizards at Success

Held in the haze of blue lights at the Middleton Hall in Waldorf, the festive event celebrated two semesters of student successes.

The College of Southern Maryland (CSM) recognized several students for their service to the community and positive impact on all students during a Harry Potter-themed Student Government Association (SGA) Yule Ball last month. Held in the haze of blue lights at the Middleton Hall in Waldorf, the festive event brought wand-waving students, faculty and staff, adorned in Hogwart robes and sorting hats, together to celebrate two semesters of student successes.

The President’s Cup was presented to Lori Rushworth, of Solomons.

The President’s Cup was presented to Lori Rushworth, of Solomons, for her remarkable leadership of CSM’s Nursing Student Association (NSA). Given annually to CSM’s outstanding student leader, Rushworth was awarded for demonstrating the ability to motivate and lead others, giving her time and talents in an effort to better the college community and remaining actively involved in the college’s extracurricular programs.

“[Lori] has served in the roles as the club’s treasurer in the fall and currently the president this spring semester,” shared CSM President Dr. Maureen Murphy. “I believe she has upheld the mission of the NSA by mentoring and facilitating the success of her officers.”

Murphy went on to explain that Rushworth demonstrated effective leadership by organizing and leading the club’s major fundraiser events. She also mentored officers in their new positions, submitted and oversaw the club’s budget, and organized and participated in the club’s community service events. In addition, Rushworth guided the NSA to work in partnerships with various community agencies throughout the year, including at the Festival of the Trees sponsored by Hospice of St. Mary’s, collecting toys and clothing for children in the tri-county area through the United Way and organizing volunteers for the hospice run/walks in both St. Mary’s and Charles counties.

“One of the functions of the NSA is to uphold and advocate for quality health care and the advancement in nursing education,” Murphy said, adding that Rushworth was selected to attend the National Nursing Student Association Convention in November in Kentucky on behalf of CSM.

The Vice President Cup was awarded to the La Plata Campus Student Government Association Vice President Katelyn Kluh by CSM Vice President of Student Equity and Success Tracy Harris.

The Vice President Cup was awarded to the La Plata Campus Student Government Association Vice President Katelyn Kluh, of La Plata. The Vice President’s Cup award is designed to recognize the important work done by students “behind the scenes,” and included in its criteria are words “dedication, commitment and involvement.”

Kluh was lauded for dedication to CSM’s women’s volleyball and basketball teams all while exceeding the expectations of a student association vice president.

“She is truly an asset to our team and we could not imagine the team without her on it,” said CSM Vice President of Student Equity and Success Tracy Harris. “She completes everything that is asked of her in a timely fashion with little to no mistakes. She constantly exceeds our expectations all while maintaining a 4.0 grade point average. She possesses excellent customer service skills and interpersonal skills. As the vice president, this student reaches out to vendors and community members to help plan the student life events and she always communicates in a professional and courteous manner. She always gives 110 percent in anything that she does.”

Guests are arriving at CSM's Annual Student Government Association's Award Banquet. Let the Yule Ball begin! pic.twitter.com/FdNEBsaDJp

— CSM Headline News (@CSMHeadlines) May 14, 2019

The Student Government Association also recognizes contributions that students make to the college not only as club members, but also as student employees. This year, the SGA selected two students to be the Student Employees of Year: Cameron Williams, of Indian Head, and Tavon Randolph, of Waldorf.

Williams was lauded for his exceptional work at the CSM Math Resource Center where he worked as a math tutor. Randolph was celebrated for contributions to the Student Life and Athletics staff as a student assistant.

Randolph was also extended an emotional ‘thank you’ by CSM La Plata Campus Student Life Coordinator Melissa Chambers for taking on an important role at CSM after the tragic loss of a fellow student employee one year ago.

“[Tavon] assumed the role of Talon, our mascot, to honor a fellow colleague and friend who tragically lost his life in an accident,” Chambers shared. “He excelled at this role in addition to his academic and workplace responsibilities. He is truly the best mascot the college has ever had. He brings so much to our school, both inside and outside of the classroom and is truly deserving of this award.”

The CSM Nursing Student Association was hailed as the SGA 2018-19 Club of the Year for being a stand out among the clubs in self-sufficiency and community involvement.

“They have held events and fundraisers throughout the academic year,” said SGA Leonardtown Campus SGA President Colin Foster. “They have not missed a student body meeting and other major events on campus. They decorated a Hospice Christmas tree and sold T-shirts to raise money for their club. The Nursing Student Association has shown what it takes to be a great model and amazing leaders for all our clubs and students college-wide.”

Nursing Student Association Club Advisor Robin Young is presented with the Club Advisor of the Year Award by Colin Foster.

In a continuation of the club’s praises, its advisor, Robin Young, was named CSM’s Club Advisor of the Year.

“Always there for guidance, support and encouragement,” said Foster continued, “she makes sure that the Nursing Student Association is always on track with their club work at all times and it truly show because the Nursing Student Association has done a tremendous job this semester.”

“Besides having club responsibilities, Young also pushes her officers and members to continue to excel in their nursing studies, which all nursing students know does not come easily,” added Foster.

For photos of the SGA Yule Ball, visit https://csmphoto.zenfolio.com/19sgabanquet.

To learn more about the varied student life opportunities at CSM including Student Government, student clubs, activities and events, and athletics, visit https://www.csmd.edu/student-life/.

[ This article originally appeared here ]