Curses! They figured it out!


Board Mommy
PREMO Member

The liberals' hope that Democrats can win back the presidency by drawing sharp ideological contrasts and energizing the partisan base is a fantasy that could cripple the party's efforts to return to power, according to a new study by two prominent Democratic analysts.

On defense and social issues, "liberals espouse views diverging not only from those of other Democrats, but from Americans as a whole. To the extent that liberals now constitute both the largest bloc within the Democratic coalition and the public face of the party, Democratic candidates for national office will be running uphill."

These guys are Democrat analysts, BTW, that worked for Clinton.


Sounds like a lot of crap to me. I think the Dems would be best served by striving to draw distinct lines between themselves and Republicans and Conservatives. Dammit... convicted murderers and child molesters have rights that must be protected! And who's to say that the Gay lifestyle isn't wholesome and All-American! And who in America doesn't believe that it's better to pay $5 for a gallon of gas rather than build a new refinery instead of a housing project, or drill for more oil and risk costing Andy the Arctic Fox his home!

Move to the center and be more like Republicans... these guys are daft!


New Member
These two might've figured it out, but fortunately, most of the others won't listen - it isn't what they want to hear.