Curt Weldon Says Bin Laden Is Dead


Dancing Up A Storm

Rep. Curt Weldon, who broke the Able Danger story last year revealing that military intelligence had identified lead hijacker Mohamed Atta as a terrorist threat before the 9/11 attacks, now says that Osama bin Laden has died.

Weldon made the stunning claim during an interview Wednesday with the Philadelphia Inquirer, which reported: "Weldon is making explosive new allegations. He says a high-level source has told him that terrorist leader Osama bin Laden has died in Iran, where he has been in hiding."

Anyone seen/heard this? I sure have not, until a few minutes ago.


Dancing Up A Storm
Neither am I, since you'd have heard it on the news stations by now.

I'd want total verification of it; like his dead effen corpse, fingerprinted, DNA match and all! :lmao:


New Member
Penn said:
Neither am I, since you'd have heard it on the news stations by now. I'd want total verification of it; like his dead effen corpse, fingerprinted, DNA match and all! :lmao:
I'd like em alive so the troops could torture him beyond recognition & claim it happened in a fire fight. :yay:


Dancing Up A Storm
Mikeinsmd said:
I'd like em alive so the troops could torture him beyond recognition & claim it happened in a fire fight. :yay:

Some clown will make a videotape of it, send it to the New York Times, where it will make headlines - then the ACLU will claim it was all Bush's fault!

Russ Feingold would have a field day with it.(sorry about the spelling)
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New Member
Penn said:
B.S.!! Some clown will make a videotape of it, send it to the New York Times, where it will make headlines - then the ACLU will claim it was all Bush's fault! Russ Feinstein would have a field day with it.
Oops.... the clown died in the fire fight too.....

Hopefully they learned their lesson about cameras. :yay:


Asperger's Poster Child
Penn said:
Rep. Curt Weldon, who broke the Able Danger story last year revealing that military intelligence had identified lead hijacker Mohamed Atta as a terrorist threat before the 9/11 attacks, now says that Osama bin Laden has died.
Naw, we can't be that lucky.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
A take...

...think about this for a second. Four points or angles;

1. It would be a VERY simple matter for Osama to prove he is alive and well; a video tape of him holding a recent newspaper, copies of the tape sent to a few different places, Al Jazerra, Washington Post and other places with an interest in making this public. This would compromise his security not one bit.

If he IS alive AND wanted people to know, we would know. That means he is either alive and does not want to pove it or...he is dead.

2. The next angle is if he is alive, doesn't want anyone to know it AND we know he's alive, that means all parties, our government plus any others that know it plus his, Osamas, allies, are all keeping one hell of a tight lid on it. This makes the least sense to me unless he has given up and just wants to live.

3. It's easy for me to see that if we are pretty sure he's dead but can't really prove it, let it go. Keep up the pressure and get all there is to get. Sure don't need his friends and allies screaming for an end to hostilities arguing his death somehow ends it all.

It's hard for me to see that he is dead and we know it and can prove it AND know it will simply be a matter of time before it is proveable that we know AND are holding out. If there is plausible deniability, uncertainty, that leads back the prior paragraph.

4. One thing for sure; it does NOT serve their side for them to prove he is dead, thus it serves their side for there to be as much as possible at least hinting he is alive. There has been very, very little supporting his still being around.

There has been a great easing of pressure in regards to Osama. If there were to be another devestating attack on US soil and there was the slightest evidence he is alive, where ever he is, Pakistan, Syria, Iran, would be in a world of hurt. Assuming a Republican President.

Now, the last look at this would be playing for time; a Democratic US President. The last one didn't do anything. It may seem logical that the next one won't, especially given the entire missing of the point by nearly half the US voting population.