

New Member
Hi Everyone,

Well, I am 99% sure Boomer has Cushings. I have a phone call into the vet to get the test done. I was wondering if anyone has any suggestions on any specific feed that has helped with Cushings? I know that changing his diet wont make the Cushings go away, but I am hoping to get him on a diet that could help him not be on strong medication if that happens?!

Thanks guys! Any suggestions and opinions are welcome!


New Member
one of the horses that board at the farm that i rent at uses a supplement called chaste tree berries, its quite cost effective ive heard and have heard from a few other people that they have had good luck with it.
im not sure about the feed though, hes just on triple crown senior, hes 21.


New Member
My pony mare had cushings. We used Safe Choice feed by Nutrina. She was a senior and couldnt chew much hay so she got some wet beet pulp for fiber as well as whatever hay she would eat. We were going to start her on pergolide, but she passed a few days before the vet delivered the meds. We managed her for a few years on just diet, and she did well. She was happy and appeared fine the night she passed, we think from age.
There is a Cushings group on Yahoo groups that I found helpful. Just beware and use your settings cause they will flood your inbox otherwise, just set it so you dont get an email anytime someone posts!!


New Member
Thanks for the info! I am hoping to be able to manage it through diet. I love this board! I get so much good advice!